
Feb 16, 2012 16:51

Comment to this post, and I will list seven things I want you to talk about. They might make sense or they might be totally random.

Then post that list, with your commentary, to your journal. Other people can get lists from you, and the meme merrily perpetuates itself.

Asked by irony_rocks:

1. Are there any fics you'd love to write that you haven't committed to paper (or, er, Word document) yet?

Well, it's always been a desire of mine to write a Harry Potter AU. One of my favorite kinks for that fandom is BAMF!Harry, and I'd love to write my own version of it (while avoiding the excessive clichés that have cropped up in such stories as best I can).

Maybe someday...

2. Merlin or SGA - which is your favorite?

Hm, I'd probably have to say Merlin. As much fun as SGA was, the memory of it is kind of colored by the bitter way it ended and its treatment of a lot of the characters. I will say that SGA taught me an important lesson, though -- be careful how invested you get in a television show. Since then, I've always just tried to sit back and enjoy what I'm given, and write fic for the rest of what I want from it.

3. Your ideal job in allll the jobs in the world.

Heh, how about a job, hands down? Honestly, I'd be thrilled if I could be a writer full time. Unfortunately, I don't have the attention span or the patience to write my own novel. But it's nice to dream about it. :)

4. A fic that you read and reread over and over again.

bluegold's Raising Foundations, a Merlin-Harry Potter crossover. Seriously, I think I read this one at least once a month. The pairings are so much fun, and the author's interpretation of Snape's character is absolutely amazing. I <3 it. :D

5. The best fic you've ever written.

Ack, I have to pick just one? So unfair. ;)

I suppose I'd have to say graven with diamonds in letters plain, a fic I wrote for The Tudors. I was a huge fan of Anne/Henry on that show, and it was fun to write something for the pairing.

6. You can visit anywhere in the world. Where?

England, hands down. I'm such a geek for castles and such, if I went there, it'd probably be next impossible to get me to leave before I've visited places like the Tower of London, Middleham, Hatfield, etc.

7. You favorite music artist.

Taylor Swift, definitely. Can't get enough of the lady's music. I always glee a little when she pops up on the radio when I'm in the car.

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