Porn Battle round up

Feb 16, 2012 09:11

Because I was in the mood to procrastinate, I ended up participating in the recent Porn Battle, flooding it with a bunch of entries. Most are Merlin, but I also played with one or two other fandoms, just for the fun of it.

Title: Edge
Author: angelqueen04
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Morgana/Arthur
Spoilers/Warnings: Half-sibling incest
Summary: His blood is still roaring through his veins, seeking some kind of outlet. Set pre-series.
Notes: Written for the prompt: Morgana/Arthur, desperate, tournament.

Title: Interrogations
Author: angelqueen04
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Gwen/Morgause
Spoilers/Warnings: Dubious consent
Summary: Gwen never says much about what her life was like during Morgana and Morgause’s week-long occupation of Camelot. Set after Series 3 with flashbacks.
Notes: Written for the prompt: Gwen/Morgause, loyalty.

Title: Loyalty
Author: angelqueen04
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Gwen/Morgana
Spoilers/Warnings: Dubious consent issues
Summary: To cement her position further with Morgana, Gwen offers proof of her loyalty. Missing scene for 3x12 The Coming of Arthur, Part One.
Notes: Written for the prompt: Gwen/Morgana, proof.

Title: Nothing She Won't Do
Author: angelqueen04
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Morgana/Morgause
Spoilers/Warnings: Half-sibling incest
Summary: In Morgause’s eyes, her sister is perfection. Set post-Series 2.
Notes: Written for the prompt: Morgana/Morgause, blood, care, worship.

Title: Revenge
Author: angelqueen04
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Morgana/Arthur
Spoilers/Warnings: Half-sibling incest, dubious consent
Summary: After her failed attempt to murder Uther in his bed, Morgana’s fury still does not abate. AU post-3.05 The Crystal Cave.
Notes: Written for the prompt: Morgana/Arthur, rage, revelations, siblings.

Title: What is Left Out
Author: angelqueen04
Rating: R
Pairing(s): Big Bad Wolf/Little Red Riding Hood
Spoilers/Warnings: Beastility
Summary: Never let it be said that a wolf is too foolish to accept what is left out for the taking.
Notes: Written for the prompt: Red/Wolf, reversal, stalk.

Title: While We're Apart
Author: angelqueen04
Rating: PG-13
Pairing(s): Catherine Bennet/Georgiana Darcy
Spoilers/Warnings: N/a
Summary: A letter from Georgiana Darcy to Catherine Bennet says more than one would think.
Notes: Written for the prompt: Catherine Bennet/Georgiana Darcy, fingers, letters.

fanfiction: other, ship: merlin: gwen/morgause, ship: other, !fanfiction: master list, ship: merlin: morgana/morgause, fanfiction: merlin, ship: merlin: morgana/arthur, ship: merlin: gwen/morgana

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