Merlin: The Secret Sharer [SPOILERS]

Nov 13, 2011 15:06

So I decided to make a special trip to the library to watch this instead of waiting until Tuesday. Just couldn't, couldn't wait.

Ooh, Morgana's still down for the count, and Agravaine's watching her in a very creepy manner.

Apparently he also cleaned her place up.

Heh, knew everything. Pretty much.

Uh oh, Gaius' in for a world of hurt this evening, I'll bet.

Um, also, wasn't Morgause's ghost supposed to appear and restore Morgana to health because even in-between worlds, she's just that badass?

Shirtless!Arthur! And being fed in bed. *giggles*

Oh, the hard business of being king...

TEEHEE! Oh boys, you're so cute!

Urgh, Agravaine, you suck.

Agravaine: No one can be above suspicion!
AQ: Ahem, what about you? You were suspect #1 last week. How has that changed?
Agravaine: Well, obviously I'm not a villain.
AQ: Dude, haven't we had this conversation over at lycoris' journal, like, a hundred times? *sharpens throwing knives*
Agravaine: Are you always this insane?
Arthur: Having conveniently only heard that last question, I will say yes, she is insane.
AQ: <3 you too, Arthur, even when you're being a complete moron.

God, Agravaine, you suck. And Arthur, you suck for listening to him.

Agravaine: It is my duty to investigate all possibilities, however unlikely.
AQ: *coughs* Including yourself. *cough*
Agravaine: For Gods' sake, you're as irritating as Merlin!
AQ: *perks up* Thank you! You've just made my day!
Agravaine: *headdesks repeatedly*

Ooh, pretty clothes! Morgana, stop to do a little shopping so you can wear something other than black!

Or, you know, go see the creepy bald guy with a bunch of candles. Still think shopping was a better option.

Oh, so Morgana was made a high priestess during the year after she and Morgause fled Camelot? Must have been why Morgause was so blase about letting Morgana sacrifice her. Morgana was being left behind to be a priestess after her.

Also, where there ever be a time when Morgana will be known as Morgana le Fey instead of Morgana Pendragon? Because, seriously, she claims to hate the Pendragons and everything they stand for, and yet she freely uses the name. Must be because she wants to use it to bolster her claim to Camelot's throne, but still Morgana le Fey has a much more cool ring to it.

I KNEW IT! I KNEW SHE WAS GOING TO GIVE UP THE BRACELET!! I totally called it! *pats self on the back*

Of course, this probably means that without the bracelet to block the dreams, Morgana is going to go even more batshit insane. Uncertain of how to feel about this. It could be awesome, but on the other hand, it could just be an excuse to make Morgana even more 2-dimensional.

Oh, Arthur... you're about to do something monumentally stupid, aren't you?

King's right hand man? FFS, when will people realize that that is Merlin, even in his current guise of being a simple servant? *flings one of her throwing knives at Agravaine's neck*

Agravaine, keep your fucking hands off of Gaius.

Oh yay, interrogation. Woo and hoo. At least he isn't throwing buckets of water on Gaius like Aredian did.

Damn, I was hoping there would be a different context for the question about banning magic. *pouts*

Honestly, Arthur, letting Uncle Fucker take the lead makes you look rather weak.

Also, where is Merlin during all of this? And don't say 'at the tavern'.

Swordsmiths of Gedref?! Well, they have a labyrinth, so why not swordsmiths? But hey, name continuity!!

Also, that blade looks disturbingly like the one Arthur gave Morgana back in The Crystal Cave. You know, the one that she tried to stab Uther with?

Oh, and did you see Merlin perk right up when he was told it was a present for Arthur? *giggles and pats him* You're so cute with your devotion to Arthur, Merlin. I bet that if you could, you'd shower him with pretty presents everyday. Just spoil him wrotten. :D

Ooh, pretty horsie! Wasn't that Morgana's once? And the one Gwen rode back into Camelot on?

Agravaine, you fucking villain! *glares*

Eek, be very careful guys! Richard Wilson is not a spring chicken!

Oh, of course, plant evidence. Bastard.

Okay, Merlin doesn't look too pleased. Good, he should be pissed off.

Agravaine: It's the lies...
Merlin: *grits teeth*
AQ: *fingers knives*
Arthur: I am a complete moron and have completely forgotten that my dear uncle was also a suspected traitor last week.
AQ: Yes, dear, you are.

Agravaine, shut up.

Arthur: I don't want to lose another friend!
Merlin: *refuses to look at him*
AQ: If you do lose another friend, it will be on account of your own actions, Arthur.


Oh, boys... *sob*

Ah, Morgana. It's been a while since you and Gaius had a moment together, haven't you? Must have been nice for Katie and Richard, to get to film together again, since this series had Katie separated from the rest of the cast most of the time.

Gwen! *cheers*

Gwen: Agravaine's his uncle. He trusts him more than anyone.
AQ: *snorts* And that's what's so stupid. Arthur's a king, and nine times out of ten, a king should fear his blood kin more than anyone. Just look at Morgana. He trusted her, doted on her as much as Uther, and look where that got him. Uther broken beyond all repair, and Arthur thrust into the mantle of leadership far sooner than he would have liked.
Gwen: Exactly. Arthur's been betrayed by his kin multiple times in the past. Can you blame him for wanting to cling to the possibility that this time it's different? That his mother's brother is loyal to him?
AQ: Under other circumstances, no. But the fact remains that Arthur is the king. Kings should always be careful in trusting family, because they almost always have an agenda. It sucks, but it's true. And also: Agravaine is a villain. I've been saying it from the start, and I'll keep saying it until Arthur finally gets it.
Gwen: *sigh*

Still, very happy that Gwen took a moment to come and comfort Merlin.

Wow, Alator, you're mean, picking on an old man.

Hah, good try Gaius! Show him you're no pushover.

Ah, Merlin, you're searching Agravaine's rooms, aren't you? Never a good idea. You're liable to get caught.


Ah hell.

Oh crap, you just got spotted, Merlin. Figures.

GWAINE! *hugs him*

Oh, Merlin, don't be so harsh! Gwaine's one of your three BFFs! One is stuck between worlds because he's a self-sacrificing, noble idiot, and the other is a blind, stubborn brat. Don't go pushing the third one away!

Don't be secretive, Merlin!

Yay, Merlin and Gwaine are riding to the rescue!!

Hold on, Gaius!

Um, why did Morgana go back to her hut? Shouldn't she be in the cave waiting for Gaius to break so she can pick through his thoughts like a little bird?

Poor Gaius! *wibbles*

No, Gaius!! Don't give in! GAIUS!!

Oh no... NOOOOOOOOOOO! This is not good. Not good at all!

Oooh, the prophecy of Emrys! Perhaps this will get Alator to stop... *face hopeful*


Oh boy, here comes Morgana and Agravaine. This is going to be fucking huge.

Agravaine, you bastard! Touch Gaius and things will be very, very bad.

Oh no...


Damn, Agravaine, you know how to improvise.

Oh boy, Merlin vs. Morgana 2.0!!

Ooh... Alator, make the right choice here.


Oh holy crap, this has the potential to be incredibly awesome! *glees*


Arthur, you'd better fucking apologize!

AQ: Oh, so now Agravaine is sniveling and such to cover his ass. Arthur, you'd better say something about this, or I am going to be Very Upset. Never get a fic writer Very Upset.
Arthur: o.O

Heh, love Gwen's pointed silence here. She cares for Gaius with her back to Agravaine and Arthur both. Hah! She's Very Upset with Arthur too! *beams* Way to go, girl! Give the boyfriend the silent treatment!

Um, where did Merlin and Alator go?

Ooh, the bracelet! So Morgana won't go completely ape after all.

Merlin: We need to tell him.
Gaius: We don't have any evidence.
AQ: True, but if you'll recall, keeping shit like this from Arthur never ends well. See the last series with Morgana. I suggest you fucking find the evidence you need. And quickly.

*sighs* Oh boys...

Um, why not just say it was Morgana and be done with it?

OMG. Gaius is actually clearing Dragoon! OMG OMGOMG! *clings to Gaius*

Variety is the spice of life and they all have one thing in common -- they believe in Arthur Pendragon and Merlin Emrys. *beams*

Yes, understand what Merlin has done for you.


This week was really toned down in comparison to last week, more so than I expected, but it still worked out very well.

Merlin: Love his steadfast loyalty to Gaius, and his determination to see him cleared. I especially loved his reaction to Arthur's behavior over Gaius' disappearance. In earlier times, Merlin would have shouted at him, would have lashed out (like he did with Aredian back in the second series), but here there was just cold silence and furious looks that, in my opinion, were all the more powerful. Props to Colin Morgan!

Arthur: *sigh* My boy, will you ever cease to be oblivious and blind to what is right in front of you? I love you to pieces, but your persistence in clinging to Agravaine is going to get you killed, or at the very least de-throned, and I certainly don't want that. Also, no matter what Merlin says, you owe him a huge apology. I especially loved his part in the scene with Merlin in the council chamber after Gaius was thought to have done a runner. Despite his harsh words, I think I saw that he was conflicted about what was happening. I think his instincts are telling him something is wrong, but Arthur proves yet again that he can willfully blind himself to things he doesn't want to face, and facing the fact that his beloved uncle is a no-good traitorous villain is probably first on that list.

Gwen: A minor role this week, but I still loved her small part. Going off to comfort Merlin was another great sign of their friendship, and I loved her silent presence as she cared for Gaius, putting her nursing skills to good use again. One could feel the anger and disapproval radiating off of her. I think she and Arthur should totally have words later.

Gwaine: Okay, I was very disappointed that he didn't get to learn about Merlin, like many of us were hoping he would. Still, what little we did get was an excellent tribute to his friendship with Merlin. He believed him, and offered his help even in the face of Merlin being rather snippy. Shades of S3!Gwaine are always a plus, so yay!

Morgana: Was also disappointed that the rumors of her seeing Morgause turned out to be not true. Also, looks like her self-confidence has taken another blow with Alator turning on her. She just can't catch a break, can she?

Alator: OMG despite his seeming to be a villain for much of his time on-screen, he still turned out to be AWESOME! OMG HE KNELT TO MERLIN! Does anyone else find that to be incredible?! I love that he shows Merlin by keeping his silence and protecting his secret that not all sorcerers are blinded by hatred for all that Camelot has done to his kind. Yes, he's angry and upset by it, but he isn't so blinded by it that he throws away the promise of a better future that Gaius' prophecy shows. Would love to see him again, as an ally of Merlin's who is helping him prepare for that better future. Merlin is in Camelot slowly trying to change Arthur's mind, while Alator can slowly gather allies on the fringes, people who are willing to work for a brighter tomorrow instead of revenge. POTENTIAL AWESOME HERE! Would also love to know what passed between him and Merlin after the scene cut out and before Merlin reappeared back in Camelot.

Agravaine: The man quite nearly over-played his hand this week, and got quite singed for it. His little game blew up in his face and had to scramble to cover with Arthur. Douchebag. I don't care if he shows genuine care for Morgana, I still hate his guts.

Gaius: Undoubtedly, the real star this week. Richard Wilson certainly shined, something he doesn't often get a chance to do. Torture, with a side of teaching Arthur a huge lesson and clearing Merlin's alter ego's name of murder! Dang, when Gaius decides to do something, he goes all out, yes? I absolutely loved what went down, and how he was able to elaborate on everything that will definitely make Arthur think and perhaps not be so hasty in his judgment against magic. Here's hoping that the writers' love of following through on things will continue! *crosses fingers*

General Thoughts: I really hope that Merlin's talk of this being Agravaine's fault will stick in Gwaine and Gwen's head. I'm not going to hold my breath for Arthur. He's the type that needs everything forcefully shoved in his face before he'll believe it. With Gwaine and Gwen, on the other hand, that's not the case. Gwen knew about Morgana long before she executed her coup last year, and spent the last half of the series watching her like a hawk. Would love for Gwen to keep doing that. Also, Gwaine didn't look like he totally believed Agravaine's words either, so having him watch Agravaine carefully would also be great kthnxbye.

Overall, a great episode for Richard Wilson, and (hopefully) an opinion-changing one for Arthur!

media: first impressions, media: spoilers, tv: merlin

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