Nov 23, 2004 22:19
Yeah I haven't really updated my LJ but that's because my other online journal is back up and running, so yeah I kinda stopped updating here.. not that anybody reads this anyway besides my baby:) hehe and the other couple people that have this journal also have a journal at that other site too so they can read my entries there so it makes me wonder if I even need to use this one at all?
I guess I'll update it from time to time just because I can! hehe
But I'm happy to say that I'm sooo extremly happy, I couldn't be happier honestly! James(Bergy) is amazing and makes me so happy and everything is great with him:)
I'm just waiting for him to come back on because he's out of town visiting his grandparents for the week but he can still get online cept only with a 56k between 4 computers.. yeah YUCK! lol BUT his dad needed it to do something and wanted all the speed he could get.. and as for what is going on now I have NO FRICKEN IDEA!!! I miss him!!! But but it's not long till I'll finally be in his arms... awwww that will be soooo wonderful!!!:)
I"m also very relived of something that I finally got out:) it's on my other journal and if for some odd reason you want to read my other journal just let me know:)
Anyway I'm off to go get something to drink, have a good night!!!
Countdown: 34 days till I go to california to see my love:) hehe