Head's up for November

Oct 31, 2010 13:52

Hello my dear F-list... and anyone else reading this,

I just wanted to let anyone who's interested in my fanfics know that I've decided to participate in the NaNoWriMo, (to see what I'm talking about click here) so I probably won't be posting too much over the course of November. I've got two papers due in the next fifteen days on top of that, so my creative writing will be lacking as it is. I won't say that I won't be posting anything, because that's probably not true. I like using fanfiction as a breather, so another chapter of the Snow Queen might get posted sometime after the tenth of the month.

This is probably going to be a rather sparse month for fanfiction in general because I've heard of quite a few people participating in this event. Anyway, best of luck to everyone participating, and for those not, wish us luck!

In other news: it's Halloween! Yay! Happy Halloween everyone! Halloween is my personal favorite holiday and I will be celebrating with my first home-cooked meal in ages, (I'm at uni, it's either microwaved soup or cafeteria food) and then tromping up to the Royal Mile and watching the annual Samhain parade/procession thing. Can't wait.

Also, tonight is the last episode of Single Father, while I will miss it being aired since I'll be celebrating Halloween. (I'm sorry Mr. Tennant, you do not rule my life quite so much as that I would give up my Halloween for you.) However, as soon as I get back to my flat, my computer will be turned on and BBC iPlayer will be going. (because he does rule my life enough for me to stay up and watch it even when I'm dead tired and have classes in the morning. See I have priorities!)

Anyway, happy Halloween everyone! Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again!

random shna

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