Open post, in which the typist overuses parentheses.

May 08, 2006 15:07

Xathanael P. Hades, not quite a destroyer of worlds but something of a destroyer of sanity, may currently be found flopped, upside-down, on one of the many conveniently-placed couches around. In an attempt at getting used to the female body (or perhaps she's just enjoying this more than she should), she (yes, she -- she's still female, and clearly ( Read more... )

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notahades May 9 2006, 01:22:20 UTC
*and she'll wander in absently, some sort of electronic device more likely than not in a pocket -- upon seeing Xathanael, she'll head over immediately to flop on the floor at the foot of the couch, tilting her head back to tug lightly on the cord of the headphones, keeping a straight (ha) face with an effort*


angeloffire_ May 9 2006, 01:26:53 UTC
*that'll get a quiet, startled yelp out of her -- she wasn't expecting people, and the world tends to escape her notice when she's listening to music* *but she'll grin at seeing Brynne there and remove the headphones* Hi.


notahades May 9 2006, 01:38:03 UTC
*and she'll grin as well, letting her head flop against the couch so she's studying Xathanael sideways* Hey. How's it going?


angeloffire_ May 9 2006, 01:48:46 UTC
Oh, y'know, the usual. I'm female and wearing a skirt, what else is new, right? *shrugs* How're you?


notahades May 9 2006, 02:06:54 UTC
*amusion* I noticed the skirt. You really are enjoying this far too much. I'm all right, for the most part. *and the qualification is really only there because the discussion of sex is really rather embarrassing*


angeloffire_ May 9 2006, 02:12:23 UTC
*waggles a sneaker at her in a "look at my pretty girl legs! ^___^" sort of way* Might as well have fun while I can, right? *-- slight headtilt* For the most part?


notahades May 9 2006, 02:31:25 UTC
*...hesheit is so adorable, and that grin is vaguely conveying said sentiment XD* Right. Not much throws you off, does it? *and that's said in a half-admiring half-affectionate way, and followed by a faint flush* Er. I have your sister to blame for that.


angeloffire_ May 9 2006, 02:35:54 UTC
Not really, no. I'm well-adjusted because I made myself that way, dammit. *...quirks an eyebrow* Sera? What'd she do now?


notahades May 9 2006, 02:40:38 UTC
*and another affectionate grin* Good for you. *followed by further flushing* It's. Er. Kind of a long story. And. Um. Not terribly appropriate.


angeloffire_ May 9 2006, 02:45:49 UTC
*can't help looking ridiculously curious* But now I really want to know.


notahades May 9 2006, 02:50:36 UTC
*...takes a deep breath, because it had to come up at some point, and rather quickly, not looking at her* Shewantedtotalkabouthowsoonwewereplanningtohavesexbecauseshethinksyouneedtogetlaid.


angeloffire_ May 9 2006, 02:55:25 UTC
*and very promptly goes very pink* ...Oh. Er. Iwassortoftryingnottothinkaboutthatinkindofa"thinkingaboutitwaytoooften"senseofnotthinkingaboutit.


notahades May 9 2006, 02:58:32 UTC
*somewhat red here too* Um.Yeah.It's--yeah.Noteasytoavoidthinkingabout.Asageneralrule.Um.So.


angeloffire_ May 9 2006, 04:07:03 UTC
*nervously playing with the cord of her headphones as she speaks* Er. -- Saysomethinghelpfulplease?


notahades May 9 2006, 04:19:16 UTC


angeloffire_ May 9 2006, 04:23:10 UTC
*...has to giggle in a distinctly nervous way* I -- wouldn't leave. Er. Arewegoingto--talkabout-- *can'tsayit*


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