Open post, in which the typist overuses parentheses.

May 08, 2006 15:07

Xathanael P. Hades, not quite a destroyer of worlds but something of a destroyer of sanity, may currently be found flopped, upside-down, on one of the many conveniently-placed couches around. In an attempt at getting used to the female body (or perhaps she's just enjoying this more than she should), she (yes, she -- she's still female, and clearly (see above parentheses) enjoying it in a mildly horrified sort of way) is wearing a skirt, black and pleated, over red tights -- her shirt advertises a concert with the name of the band and the venues carefully blocked out by strips of duct tape. Her hair is pulled into a messy (isn't her hair always messy?) bun.

She finds her attention held by whatever's coming out of the oversized headphones she's wearing (observe the toe of her scuffed sneakers tapping against the arm of the couch), but anyone who passes by should feel entirely free to bother her -- that she's approaching boredom ought to be obvious from her expression.
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