(no subject)

Jul 31, 2015 09:59

Falling snow; new-fallen snow; long-fallen snow; snow after rain had fallen on it; refrozen snow... [language X] and [language Y] have a word for each of these. In [language X] (which I know better than [language y]) they have by my count sixty-two words for the various kinds, states, ages, and qualities of snow; fallen snow, that is. There is another set of words for the varieties of snowfall; another for ice, a set of twenty or more that define what the temperature rangeis, how strong a wind blows, and what kind of precipitation is occurring, all together.

Дорогие филологи, языковеды и лингвисты, это вам ничего не напоминает?

Желающие могут попробовать угадать автора и, если хочется, произведение. Комменты будут расскринены позже.

литература, английский, (под-)теКсты, языки, прочитанное, Курьёзы

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