No one told me adulthood would be this hard

Nov 03, 2008 21:19

Really, shouldn't I have figured out life by now? I'm 33, not 18. And yet, clueless about what I want to do with myself I am. So, here's what I want:

1--enough time and energy to actually get a life that isn't work-related

2--a job that pays enough that I can support myself, Frodo, and Max, pay all the bills, and still enjoy some of life's little luxuries and allows me to maintain some kind of balance between work and that life I keep saying I'm going to get

3--coworkers who are actually supportive and respectful (or at least freaking professional acting)

4--to have a job that doesn't make me want to cry in frustration at least 3 days a week

5--to stop hiding huge chunks of my life from the other chunks (yes, I would like this to happen; no, I don't think it's going to)

6--to do a second masters degree in a topic that actually interests me

So, anyone got a plan for making any of these things happen? Cause I don't seem to be doing too well on my own. On the other hand, my rather half-hearted job searching may bear fruit, so all is not lost. And I am working on the Manchester application, but I still have no idea how to afford it were I to get accepted.

work, school, life

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