Your result for The Your life and death in a movie Test...
To be frank, I don't like you. You're probably melodramatic, annoying, pretty AND talented. People attracted to your sex will probably love you though, and you're way above caring about me anyways. Lucky you!
Your childhood wasn't exactly promising for a movie career. Maybe you were a bit spoiled, the pretty little blonde kid that cared more about clothes than the world around it? So you were quite surprised to be told that your fate was to be hunting vampires kung fu style.
Well, you learned your lessons well and are perfectly adapted for a double superhero life, like high school bitch and vampire slayer, or possibly Clark Kent and Superman.
I can't give you many hero points because your constant moaning just annoys me a bit too much.
But you don't need those, you'll always find your way or have enough friends pulling you out of deep trouble.
You've come a long way, and will probably get very old!
Thanks for taking my test. Message me with comments, praise, criticism or questions please, and don't forget to rate it!
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