Ok people, pay attention. This is important.

Sep 10, 2006 10:02

Rebecca Fortune is a young woman from Mississippi who has a life-threatening disease called Gastroparesis. This disease prevents her from digesting food, allowing her to slowly starve to death. I don't know Becki personally, but she is a friend of several close friends of mine, some of whom are organizing this concert. So, if you live in the LA area (or are going to be there on October 8), love music, and like me find it unconscionable that a young woman would be allowed to starve to death because she doesn't have health insurance, please buy a ticket and help us save her life. Tickets go on sale Sunday, September 10 at 10:00 a.m.

If you can't make the show, but would still like to help, you can go to Becki's page and make a donation. Thank you all for your time and attention.

:) Leigha
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