things i love thursday

Oct 09, 2008 15:20

~the possibility of getting a free crib very soon! thank you so much to all the mothers who have donated their baby items and made this possible for me.. lots of <3 to them all..

~etsy and all the fantastic, home-made clothing on there that i want to buy

~my etsy store which is slowly coming together.. so excited and thankful to be able to sell my beloved things created by me!

~my kitties and how truly sweet and innocent they are.. i love to pet them. they are the warmest, furriest creatures and bring such love and comfort to me..

~going to the ocean this weekend with sam and my poppa

~ballet class tomorrow.. i love, love, love it.. it brings so much to me and my life. thank you beautiful teachers and dancers that teach and dance with me!

~sweet-natured friends that are all around me.. you all know who you are! i <3 every single one of you in different ways.. because you are all so beautifully unique


~burt's bees.. i love them.

~dinner tonight with my poppa

~pickles.. juicy and plain (:

~stretching.. when i don't do it for too long, it feels so wonderful when i finally do.. i remember why i love it so much and why it's so healthy for me

~the wind, so powerful and fresh

~magical, beautiful places all around where i live..


~the thought of pumpkin pie

~my momma, who is one of the most generous souls i have ever found.. all my love and appreciation to her. she's beautiful and magnificent..

~sleeping kitties in the sunlight

~hot chocolate.. i miss drinking it!

~rings with gemstones.. all sizes and shapes. especially the lovely ones my lover has given to me. they mean so much to me..

~being around my lover and living our lives together.. we can talk about anything. i feel so crystal clear in front of him.. we read eachother like books. no matter what.. he will always be my best friend.

~the smell of roses in our garden

~red, gold, bronze leaves on the trees.. how they blow in the wind is gorgeous. i wish i could draw it..

~butterflies.. everywhere outside. they are the loveliest, most delicate creatures.. and i've heard they only live for a day. i don't know if that is true.. but what a life. to live for one day and experience planet earth through a butterfly's vision..


~grocery shopping! for some reason i enjoy it so much..

~i love going to the gym! i think this one has been on every list, but i truly enjoy it. it brings much happiness and confidence to me.. i feel so healthy.

things i love thursday

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