Aug 24, 2010 17:55
Is it weird to be happy with a job at Subway?
In a minor update on life, I got a job at Subway when I wasn't even looking. I had put in an application there in June, when I wasn't in school, in a slight effort to find a job. They told me they weren't hiring until August, so I pretty much expected to never hear from them again. August roles around, and they call me asking if I still wanted a job. Since I'm a little too broke to turn down a job, I agree. In the process, I manage to get Brian a job there as well, since Quiznos completely BLOWS and kind of forgot to hire Brian when they promised they would.
So, we both got jobs now, and, once again, we both work in the same place. This seems to happen more often than not. Hopefully I don't get mad at him on the clock and try to drown him in the iced tea maker.
I start tomorrow and Brian starts Thursday. I had to complete my training before hand, but, now they apparently need people so bad that they are letting Brian start and do his training at the same time.
Also, I got a Passion Party in September. So, I might stop being broke soon. Freaking awesome.
I'm *hoping* that this job won't cut into RP time too much. I just might have to do MORE by email. Of course, the second this starts to seriously mess with school, I quit. Since Brian doesn't go to school and can work more, this isn't too big of a deal.