Aug 10, 2010 11:50
I'm on hiatus from the internet in total for the next four days. Friday evening, I'll be back. I have about four major things due in three days for school, and then I'm done for at least two weeks. After that, I'll be playing lots of catch up, actually.
What does hiatus mean? This means that I'm turning off my phone and disconnecting my computer from the internet. I'll be checking my email TWICE A DAY just so that I don't come back to 100 or so new messages. That's it, though.
So, if there's some sort of emergency in one of my games, which means that a player LEFT and we have to change plot drastically to work around it (already happened TWICE in one of my games, and we're almost two years strong, so it works), THEN text me. Don't message me asking if I'm going to get on, b/c that will be a good way to piss me off royally in the next couple of days.
Much love, ME
school crap,
la tech