Long one

Apr 03, 2006 14:36

This new mother fucker I work with is gonna be tragically thrown from a window. You see if any of you haven't noticed I'm not quite your morning person. I like to come in, start my work-do what I got to do. I don't like talking too much. Its nothing against anybody, its just the way I am. This mother fucker comes in at 10am, and wants the world to greet him and if you don't he ask "why do you hate me, whats wrong?"...or the "Smile" comment. Finally I said "If you tell me to smile one more time, I'm gonna throw my computer monitor at your fucking head" he laughed. I was serious. Then he dances in his chair at every song that comes on and he does it and I feel him looking at me to look at him and if I don't he stares at me until I do...and then he wants me to laugh....WHY? Why does God create people like this? No forget that-just why do I always get stuck sitting next to them? Why do they always want to be my friend? He's actually doing it right now, he's dancing to I will Survive and he's looking at me to aknowledge him. NO. No. No. Its was funny the first time, scary the second time and now its just annoying. He's like "Smile, you look angry" I'm not angry, I am working. If anything I look confused because I am working on our Greek studio and don't very much understand what the fuck they attempted to write in English. I'm not one of the 7 dwarfs, and I don't think its in my job description to have to smile while I am here, I don't work for Abercombie and Finch....to be honest I don't care how your weekend was cause I don't know you....is it me?

I was talking to my sister and we were talking about being chunky. She is very unhappy with the way she looks. I've been fat since I can remember so its different for me. She was pretty much a size 9 most of her life, and she has put on some weight and its bothering her. I think she looks fine, but then again its not me. My father always called me fat, however he would call me fat and then hand me a checkers cheese burger. I've learned to ignore him, being that he was the one having a problem fitting into the booth at Penrose, not me. I just think that you have to be motivated to loose weight, something has to be plugged in your brain and you go for it. I'd like to loose weight. Who wouldn't? but I'm not ready to go balls to the wall. I am gonna start doing my Billy Blanks work out again and now that its getting nice maybe taking a walk every night. I refuse to give up carbs, bite me-but I know I can give up somethings. We'll see. I just wish the world would stop praising all the skinny girls and the guys with 6 packs. Even in movies-like I watched Sleepover the other day (shut up) and they put a chubby girl in the movie. Of course she got made fun of for being fat and she tells the other girls no guy will ever talk to her yada yada. Then a guy talks to her-but its a fat guy. I hate that, just because your fat doesn't mean only a fat guy will be attracted to you and vice versa. I know a lot of skinny girls who love big guys and small guys that like bigger girls.

Comedy Central at night is full of Girls Gone Wild commercials. Thats skank. I'm sorry if your gonna eat your best friend out just because there is a camera in front of you, thats nasty. Your parents didn't pay much attention to you as a child. OMG there's a camera, lift up your shirt and whip out your clam!!! Yeah Boobies!!! Then I seen the Guys Gone Wild-WHAT? Who the fuck? Why? Again, these are things that just shouldn't be done. I mean I apprecitate the gesture, I do-if I want to see a guy take off his shirt and whip out his dong, I'll go to any local bar and just pay attention. Six packs don't do it for me anyway.....

Douchbag Syndrome...

Friday night Stephen, HotStuff, Matt, Alicia, Joel, Nick and Me took a ride to "Forbidden Drive" lol. Matt and Joel were scared shitless, it was pretty funny just listening to them. Thinking they saw shadows and shit. You do hear things-but its not anything scary....its like a fish or maybe a raccoon or something lol. Anyway the walk back uphill killed me, that was the scariest part of it. Matt walked into a spider web and let out a scream that would have made you think he was being ass raped by an elephant. Awesome. It really separated the men from boys haha.

Saturday night we went to South Street. We went to Front street to watch the guy that spray paints awesome pictures. Rats and Me got one made last year-the dude's name is Moonshine, after a half-hour of watching him Nick decided to get one made. I recommend anyone in Philly to go to him-its amazing to watch and he's pretty fucking hot too. There was someone there with Douchebag syndrome. She was high on something and she sounded like Anna Nicole Smith....I wanted to kill her. She was like "OMIGOD...LIKE ARE YOU THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN DO THIS, OR DO YOUR FRIENDS DO IT TOO?? WOW LIKE THIS IS SO COOL..." She talked the WHOLE time, I couldn't wait for her picture to fucking dry. Nick got me a necklace for our little 6 month anniversary, I feel bad cause I didn't get him anything. I didn't expect anything. I thought we were just gonna do dinner and then go and stay at The Radisson. That didn't work out cause they put him on the schedule to work, so that was ass. Dinner didn't happen because by time we got to south street and did everything and waited for my brother it was 11:00pm....Didn't matter though, as long as I was with him..AWWWWW I KNOW YOUR GONNA VOMIT SHUT UP!!!

I think I am gonna make him dinner sometime this week. Hopefully it doesn't wind up with my apartment burned down and a good old fashioned stomach pumping. We got some grub at Penrose afterwards and then just went home.

Yesterday, I slept for most of the day. Around 5 Alicia, Stephen and Me went to go visit Uncle Pat in the hospital. He is looking good and thinks he will be out of there by Tuesday. His sugar was at 1500!!! Good Lord. Now they have it down to 200, but they want it down to normal before they let him leave. We took Ginger down the lakes and that was about it for yesterday, thanks for asking.

Oh....and just to recap for people:::



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