Such is Life

Mar 08, 2009 20:22

So I have not made a long post in a while so lets start, and Yes I'm stealing Keith's format kinda.

Bath &Body Works~~ Work goes as normal, Rachel only has this week and next and then she leaves for maternity leave as the 25th is her due date. I have not heard anything weather Scott has chosen to transfer her or weather she is going to be looking for another job. But once any of that happens I am still trying to get her spot. I could really use the Insurance, money, more hours. I'm still hoping to get a couple more thousand then her a year because of my past experience so I am aiming more for like 36-38k a year. Which will be so nice. We also got a new store manager in her name is Jade she is really nice and seems to like it and fit in so I hope it works out. As for numbers I have been making most of my segments while getting the whole store stocked and have ready to open and still get out early every night all of this I hope will help me get the promotion over everyone else. The thing is if I can't get this promotion then I need to go find another job because I need more money and hours in order to be able to move next year.

Petsmart~~ Work goes there the same most of the time I have good days once in a while I have bad days with dogs and other people in the salon. I can go in there feeling like shit but once I'm in the back dealing with the dogs and seeing there face and have them lick me and just wag there tails just makes me smile. I love them it's so relaxing there no matter how busy and exhausting it is. Though I have my fair share of mean dogs I have gotten bite a couple times and almost bite a thousand more times.8 out of 10 dogs hate to have there nails cut and never are easy. This past Saturday was the biggest mean dog day the German Shepard tried to bite any one who tried to get him out of the Kennel and while cutting the nails even with the muzzle on freaked out nearly flipped himself over and then got the muzzle off and almost bite Erica. And there was Charlie... any one who has seen the never ending story knows of the Gmork, but for those of you who suck and never seen the movie here's a link of the scene with him That part of the movie use to scare the shit out of me when I was a kid. This dog Charlie looked just like that he even had the under bite with his bottom canine teeth sticking out, and to top it off he was mean we had to use the rabies pole to get him out of the cage.

Medical &insurance~~ So my face is still all puffy and painful, I cannot breath out of that side of my nose at all. I finally found one insurance but the co pays a bit crazy for what I know I'm going to need and it's $75 a month which I'm not sure I can afford but then again at this point I don't think I have a choice this is getting worse and when I went to Middle sex hospital like what 3 months ago he told me if I couldn't get insurance or get an appointment with the Ear Nose and throat doctor to come back to the hospital during the day and they will call one in and do the MRI and all that stuff, and yes I could have done that but then got know how much I would owe them for the rest of my life and ugh I already owe so much in bills. Ya know for the most part it doesn't bother me and I just laugh it off but when I really think of it, it pisses me off and upsets me to no end that I always get the shit end of the stick when it comes to medical. And everything that comes down with me doesn't have to deal how shitty i take care of myself. Like my kidney infection, having my gallbladder removed, and now this. I can never get sick and it just be a sickness. The last cold I had was actually a sinus infection i guess which turned into this. Last time I threw up was from the pain of the Gall attacks and before that the kidney infection which were years and some off months apart. Just one of those why me. Some people have never even been admitted to a hospital and here I am going in all the time. Just upsets me.

Apartments for moving next year~~ Provided that Keith and I both get the jobs were hoping for I think I found the apartments I want we are going to look at some the 16th and then the ones I really want on the 26th. those are the apartments I'm really interested in and I would really like to afford the townhouse style. So excited if we can get it. It has everything I want except for hardwood floors and I'll have to see how big it looks and the kitchen and counter space and what not.

Life and lawls~~ nothing new in this department been working, and hanging out with a couple friends. I joined the gym and plan on going 4 times a week so Monday through Thursday aim to not run into Jenn there but who knows. If so I'll continue to work out wanting to loose at least 2-3 pants sizes before real summer hits wont that be nice. And wanting to get back to the size I was when I met Keith by the end of this year and then from then on I'll see the rest of my goals we have to see if I can hit this one first. So afraid of loosing my boobs though my friend had a point I still had big boobs when I met Keith and even when I was smaller in high school, which is the size I want to get back to and my boobs were big then too so I should be ok. XD I know they wont be as big but oh well. Cats I found out Manfred can go to the shelter for a fee of $45. which is not bad once I have that money I'll be sure to give it to them and birng him down. Ninja is slowing dieing basically starving but don't know what to do about her. And ellsbury being annoying kitten as always. Love my new computer still need to learn how to burn CDs and after that everything will be great.

I suppose that is all I will inform more later this week.

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