Jan 15, 2015 22:38
This is today's task according to the Guardian Happy for Life app (which I recommend btw).
1. I have beautiful colouring which I really appreciate: no fake tan, hair dye or coloured contacts for me!
2. I'm a really hard worker who makes efficient use of her time and always strives to do right by the kids.
3. I have a good singing voice which brings me and others happiness.
4. I have a great memory, which comes in really handy for just about everything.
5. I care really deeply for others, which can be expressed in many forms, from going out of my way to spend time with them to frankly awesome gift-giving capabilities.
6. I suppose the above would also cover generosity, with both money and time.
7. I have a good sense of humour and am able to take criticism well, which helps professionally and personally.
8. I don't malinger. If I take a day off work, you know it's got to be really bad.
9. On that note, I can be devoted almost to a fault.
10. I blend fun and ambition, hopefully to good effect.