Phantom was amazing!

Jun 15, 2005 11:30

I cannot believe that I got to do so much last night and have so much fun! I really sdhould start to tell this from the beginning, but I really can't bring myself to control my thoughts! Ok, here's from the beginning.

I finally got to wear my new purple skirt, but mom was still bitching at me about a dress code and such, but I kinda ignored her. I was really happy that all three of us, me dani and kat all wore solid colors for it. I was in all purple, TRina was in all black with this great shirt that she had made for her, and dani was in all beige. I was still scared of seeing that guy driving on the way there but we had a greast time lilstening to dani's MP3 player, and all the songs on there. Unfortunately, I wanted to listen to rent more, but I don't think that would happen.

When we got there, there was a truck that I suppose held all the props ect, but it had "Phantom of the Opera" and the mask on it, and I demanded that we get a picture at some point. Heading in is so cute because we all got programs and there was this little girl dressed in all black and a mask on!

Dani's mom is beyond awesome! When we went to buy a few souvineres she bought us all mugs and pins and water and I just love her too much. I didn't expect to walk out of there with anything more than a program, but I got a lot of great stuff!

I was so freaking out when I saw my drama teacher there. He was so lucky, because he had front row seats, and he just walked up to the booth that day and bought them. There are a lot of musicals coming up for the next season that I'm prolly going to try that for, but until then, I think I'll need to save a hell of a lot of money.

I started to cry right when the overture began and I was balling by the end of the first act. Well, not really, I wasn't actually making a sound, but still, crying freaking hard here. During music of the night I actually tried to keep my eyes open during the lonf note, but same as always, I just couldn't. It's the one way that I've learned to really listen to music, so I can filter everything out, and I've never been able to keep my eyes open during that. The set was absolutely amazing, and Carlotta was hilarious. ERik was amazing and his voice was perfect. I wish that the chandeleir had fallen faster, it kinda just drifted down, but I can understand that.

The second act was just as amazing as the first, and they shortened Wishing and I am really happy for that. I don't really like that song too much, and I didn't want it to last for too long. The end with Meg and the chair and the mask was great. I knew what was going to happen, but I still got shivers when it did.

After Dani went and bought another pin, on top of a shirt, a mug, a poster and everything else. oh yeah, and a keychain. The stage door was fun because we got to talk to Michael Shawn Lewis, who played Raoul and was fricken sunsual, goddess I loved him so much! He actually gave us some advice on how to be a performer, which was basically along the lines of pracitce and keep practicing. Rebecca Pitcher, who played Christine knits, just like we do. She doesn't knit to RENT like we do, and I don't think she really likes REnt, but I can deal with that.

Gary Mauer was the best though. He played Erik, and was so funny and he knew our drama teacher Mr. Abaroa! It was so cool, cause he's from AZ too, and went to Thespian Conference two or three years ago and talked to the people there, including Mr. A and people from our school. We got signatures from that trio and went to get a picture ((using my camera btw)) in from of the truck.

Then we went back for a picture of Gary and he told us more about himself. How long it's been since high school ((20 years)) and a lot of advice on how to get through high school. He likes to shop at walmort and target and all he ever weras is souvanere t-shirts from various places. This one was from a shaved ice shop in Hawaii, which is good cause I'm going to Hawaii, and I'm so going to go there after graduation. He went and we left, my knees too weak to even support an ant. He was kinda hot too, which is always a plus. And I got a pic of him and Trina and Dani!

On the way home, I was dying for a frosty or some kind of ice cream, so we drove around a bit, and I was even going to treat! But no where was open, considering how Tempe rolls up the carpets at about 9 or 10, which bothered me. So a rain check on the ice cream for Friday, and I am so happy!

So that's my report on Phantom or the Opera, and I can't wait to go see Les Mis in May and Wicked in Augest of next year!
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