Sexual harassment is not cool!

Jun 14, 2005 15:54

So I saw walking ((ok running)) to catch the bus this morning when some guy starts to pull outta the AMPM and starts saying shit like "Nice titties" and "I have a big dick" and he scares the crap outta me! I mean I'm 16 and this guy had to be like 40! So I keep walking and I find out that because of him.. or just cause I was late I missed the bus. I come to another street to a neighborhood and he pulls up and syas something else that I can't remember cause I paniced at that moment. I really think that I just snapped cause this guy was GOING THE OPPOSITE WAY when I last saw him and now I was about five feet away from him with nothing but a cell phone and a wallet. I called my friend Chicago and she came running down the street to get me. I think he went away when I went for my phone but I was so fricken twitchy when I got to her. I seriously flipped out. I called my dad at he house and he called my mom and she called the cops. I gave her the desc. and everything so I didn't have to talk to them, but I was still freaked out. So that was my scary moment for the week, and I really hope that I don't ever see him again. I even had my dad give me a ride home while he was still at work because I was so scared of him.

ON a happier note, I get to go see phantom tonight! There's about 3 hours and 30 mins left and I am so excited! I will post a very long thing tomorrow about it I promise! Today's Flag Day... something I just don't understand, but I don't make up the holidays, so oh well!

Last night I got pretty far in my book, and I have a good idea where I want it to go, but I need some sort of issue to bring the main chars. together... any suggestions from someone? Please tell me if you do!
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