Fic: "Animal Nature" Excerpt, Part Two... ADULT

Apr 19, 2011 22:58

Title: Animal Nature (Naughty Excerpt)
Author: AngelicSinner / VixenRaign
Pairing: Cara/Kahlan
Rating: ADULT / Hard R / M for Mature
Warnings: Has some 'sexually tense' moments... I have no idea if this is considered to have "kinks" necessarily, but if you spot any and think they ought to have a warning, let me know and I'll add them in here -- sound fair?
Disclaimer: I do not own "Legend of the Seeker", in book or television form, I don't own the characters, the rights, and make no profit -- merely hours of self-entertainment to drive away the boredom, and offer it to reading for others so that they might do the same.
AUTHOR'S NOTE, READ ME: for a good summery, read here: This is meant to be an excerpt from that fic, but I hope can kind of work on it's own... This was written for a friend, who wished to remain nameless, after she'd had a particularly bad couple of days and this was meant to cheer her up. She said i ought to "stretch my porn-legs" so to speak... That was back in January when I lived in Amsterdam, and only just got off my ass to finish this bit of it now. I hope you enjoy it.

PART TWO, Continued...:

"I am going to lay you on the bed, Cara," Kahlan's low voice murmured into the blonde's ear, "You will hold still. I'll remove your boots, and pants, and then your arms from this jacket." she nuzzled the mark she'd left behind her intended mate's ear with the tip of her nose. "And then I want you to undress me. Will you do this for me?" Though her voice was roughened, Kahlan felt the slightest ripple of arousal run along her companion's body as she hotly whispered into her ear.

Eventually, Cara nodded.

"Good." the Mord'Sith could no doubt hear the smile in her voice as she'd said it. Kahlan led the blonde forward until she could comfortable lay on the bed, face-down, so as not the have her bound hands crushed under her body. The Confessor made quick work of the boots, dropping them on the floor, before moving to straddle the blonde's thighs as she undid the other side of Cara's pant-laces. They were tight, and intricate, and the brunette was quite impatient, only loosening them as much as she absolutely had to.

Kahlan scooted down farther on the bed, tugging the leather over the round, firm mounds that were Cara's perfect ass. The pants were so tight, and the brunette's desire so urgent, her tugging caused the blonde to slide down the bed an inch or two more than once. Straddling her companion's thighs once more, Kahlan freed the woman's arms from the jacket.

As she'd expected, Cara made an attempt to flip them as soon as she was free, the scuffle lasting only a few moments. Knowing the reaction was coming, Kahlan controlled it in such a way that Cara was still under her, and between her legs, but they were now face to face. Kahlan couldn't help a small smirk as she leaned down to kiss the blonde. The Mord’Sith resisted for only brief seconds, then returned the kiss as eagerly as she had at the window-ledge.

"What good is making a show of trying to fight me off, if I can clearly tell you're not completely trying?" Kahlan asked, almost playfully. Cara nipped at her lip gently in reply. Kahlan took Cara's hands from her thighs where they rested, and brought them to the ties at the front of her corset. After living nearly her whole life wearing the leathers of a Mord'Sith, the blonde had the Mother Confessor completely freed from her confining garment in scant moments. Kahlan hummed her approval into the mouth of her Mord’Sith as they kissed. Cara allowed herself a small smile.

The brunette reached for the ties on her own skirts, nodding her head down to the tops of her thighs, indicating that Cara should push down her boots. She kicked them off, along with the last of her dress, and now sat astride the Mord'Sith, naked as could be. Kahlan leaned forward, pushing her hair back out of her face uselessly.

"Give yourself to me," Kahlan moaned fiercely against Cara's lips, one hand tangled in the blonde’s hair as she rested her weight on her forearm. Their noses were barely touching; close enough to kiss.  The Mord'Sith let out a fast, hot breath, her hands grasping tightly to the Confessor's hips above her.

"Then take what is yours," the blonde practically whispered, leaning up to connect their lips. The brunette growled excitedly, pulling Cara's mouth up to hers as she positively dove into their heated kiss.

Kahlan did not attempt to hide the ripple of arousal that shuddered down her body. Cara had submitted to her, as the Confessor had wanted her to for longer than she’d ever dared voice (even with the spell loosening her tongue). The Mord’Sith lay below her, her warm body between her legs, under her thighs… She couldn’t help the aroused growl that rumbled out of her throat. The thrill of knowing that how much their position like this excited Kahlan, would no doubt be felt soon by the blonde - by a wetness on her belly. Cara hummed a moan in reply through their connected lips; apparently stirred by the primal sound the brunette could make. The Confessor’s wolfish grin at her soon-to-be mate’s pleasure became so wide it broke their kiss.

Kahlan leaned down, leaving kisses that grazed her teeth over the smooth flesh over Cara’s jaw, down her neck, across her shoulder. The Confessor couldn’t seem to taste enough of her, the unique scent and texture of the blonde’s skin under her tongue, between her teeth, against her lips… she wanted to devour every inch of her body, take as much of this woman into herself she could, bind them together in flesh and promise… But perhaps more so even than that, Kahlan wanted to leave her own mark on Cara as well; a sign of ownership, of possession.

The hand that the Mord’Sith had wrapped in her hair was soon removed, its wrist grasped tightly in her own, before being guided to grasp the headboard behind them. Glancing up into the green eyes of her bedmate, she saw the flash of spark in them, and Kahlan grinned back almost ferally. She raised the other one up to join it, the blonde body now stretch taught across the bed.

Kahlan leaned back, straddling Cara’s middle, admiring the feast for her eyes laid out on the sheets before her. The heavy, round breasts of her Mord’Sith stood proudly high on her chest, their dusky-pink nipples tight into peaks, begging for attention, the blonde’s slightly labored breathing making them sway enticingly. The Confessor’s eyes though, could not help but be drawn further down, to the tight stomach below, and how each exhalation revealed the toned muscle beneath the smooth surface of soft skin across her belly.

Bracing her hands against Cara’s torso, Kahlan leaned down, plucking at one of those nipples between her teeth gently, before quickly pulling into deep into her mouth. Cara moaned, her back arching slightly. Switching to the next, she wrapped her mouth around it, her tongue flicking wicked, teasing circles around the puckered bud, leaving the Mord’Sith almost struggling to keep her breathing even. Sitting back up, a smug smile on her face, the Mother Confessor’s eyes gleamed down at the woman below her.

Her hands caressed a path down the blonde’s chest, to where her ribs split, and saw how the muscles in Cara’s belly twittered and shook as the brunette’s soft fingers danced over them… almost as though she were ticklish; nervous, over-excited. Kahlan’s smile turned soft and sweet for a moment, before her caressed her open palms yet lower down Cara’s belly. The Mord’Sith gasped slightly, her body arching up into the firm touch, Kahlan’s hands now braced where her thighs rested atop the blonde’s hips. With a shaky exhalation, the Cara’s body relaxed back against the mattress. Wrapping a hand around the back of the blonde’s neck, she pulled the other woman up into a demanding kiss.

Cara instantly let go of the headboard, her hands suddenly needing to touch the Confessor everywhere after so obediently staying still for what felt like ages. She tangled her fingers in that gorgeous mane of dark hair, loving the way it teased across her bare chest, as the women were breast to breast… She couldn’t help slipping a hand between them and taking one of the Mother Confessor’s own breasts into her palm, moaning at the warm heaviness of it in her hand. She couldn’t say aloud how long she’d wanted to know this feeling, or how good it felt to finally have it, but it wouldn’t have mattered anyway because her lips were far too busy being thoroughly possessed by the brunette for better purposes.

As the Confessor’s hands danced down the blonde’s sides, to grasp those naked hips, she felt an abrasion under her fingers; rougher, and raised against her fingers. Pulling back away from the kiss, she glanced down to see. A thick scar marred the hip of the Mord’Sith; jagged, like an untreated wound left to heal carelessly… The injury had been deep, and no doubt painful, even for Cara… She felt something warm stir in her belly, completely separate from the arousal already pooling there. She knew her expression must’ve darkened.

“Kahlan,” Cara cut in, drawing her eyes back up to the face of the woman still beneath her. In the green eyes held a question, concerned, but unvoiced.

“Who left this mark on you?” the Confessor asked, voice low and dangerous. Cara glanced down, thinking for a brief moment, before answering.

“Richard,” She murmured, unfazed, “from when we’d been sent to the future, and Darken Rahl was defeated.” When Cara glanced up at Kahlan, the brunette’s face had only hardened further. “We were enemies at the time. I had an Agiel at his throat, waiting for his jugular to rupture from the pressure, and for the aneurism to kill him.”

A low sound left Kahlan’s throat as she breathed out through her nose slowly. A rumbling sound, one distinctly seated in anger. Cara tilted her head, “You would have preferred that one of us had succeeded in landing a fatal blow?” she countered.

“I would prefer your body held only marks I have given you.” Kahlan answered lowly. “Turn over.” She demanded suddenly.

“Why?” The Mord’Sith asked, hesitating. Kahlan slowly lifted an eyebrow, and Cara moved to comply.

The Confessor’s blood had already been charged with having Cara naked below her, but now… Something about knowing that this woman, whom she wanted so badly for herself, bore a permanent mark from the man Cara called ‘Lord’ and ‘Master’ only further set her teeth on edge. For weeks she’d been denied this woman, the pleasures of her body, the closeness of her company, because of that meddlesome boy who acted as though Kahlan belonged to him… She was the Mother Confessor, ruler of all the Midlands, a leader to millions, and follower of none but the one of her own choosing… And her Mord’Sith had refused Kahlan’s advanced, her desires, because her ‘Lord’ believed he owned Kahlan.

She felt like the mark mocked her, marring this body the Confessor wanted so badly, signifying that so much as Kahlan may possess her and however briefly, Cara would always default to Richard; her ‘Lord Rahl’. In the past or not, different universes or not, she could not stand the offense that Richard’s use of violence over this woman who now served him, glared up at her from the skin she desperately wanted to set aflame with desire; to give such pleasure to, that the Mord’Sith would fall for her and follow her and be hers - more than she’d ever been to Richard, a man who would never deserve her…

But her back showed more of the same; the odd mottled bruise, fading scars from scrapes, burns, blades, and strikes. The Confessor couldn’t stand the thought that so many people had been so close to her Mord’Sith, her Cara, had touched her, and had hurt her. She tried to take some comfort in knowing that they were most likely all dead, or worse. It helped, but she wished they could’ve all returned as banelings, just so she could’ve had the pleasure of killing them again herself…

Cara’s head turned to glance over her shoulder, curious as to what the Confessor might be searching for. Kahlan admired the way it tightened the muscles across her shoulders as the blonde braced herself up on her elbows. Kahlan lowered herself to sit across the other woman’s thighs, the small thatch of hair of her womanhood just brushing the round globes of Cara’s ass. She could smell her own arousal, and the scent mingled with Cara’s, and she couldn’t help but moan, her hips canting forward slightly, as she braced herself against the blonde’s shoulders. The Mord’Sith hummed her pleasure quietly at the movement, lowering her head down against the pillow.

Leaning down, Kahlan returned to the mark she’d left behind the blonde’s ear, nipping gently at it, laving it with her tongue, enjoying the way she could press her every curve against that of her intended mate’s back. She liked feeling the stiffness of her nipples against the smooth expanse of her lover’s back, the shift in her shoulder blades as Cara’s breath became heavier with anticipation, the pressure of the taught muscle of the blonde’s behind pressing against her pelvis. Her hips jutted forward again, to which the Mord’Sith released another pleased hum; this one slightly more breathless. Kahlan smirked.

“You are already wet for me,” Kahlan breathed into the crook of Cara’s neck as she sucked and licked at the warm skin there. The Mord’Sith nodded, though it was not a question. “You want for me to have you, don’t you?” she asked, voice low, as a hand slid down the blonde’s side, grasping the woman’s hip firmly in her palm.

“Yes,” She breathed out. Kahlan nearly growled, and nipped lightly at the woman’s neck.

“Say it.” Kahlan pleaded, “Say you want me to have you.” She half demanded.

“I want,” She could hear Cara swallow thickly, “I want you to take me.” She nearly panted out, tilting her head further aside, as though offering her neck to Kahlan and her attentions. The Confessor moaned, pulling tightly on the hip in her palm, their lower bodies colliding.

“Say it again,” Kahlan demanded, moaning, letting go of the blonde’s shoulder to brace her arm more firmly against the mattress. “Tell me, say it again!” she panted, desperate.

“Take me,” Cara breathed out, voice low, graveled, followed by a brief moan, “Take me, Confessor, please…”

Kahlan’s hips pitched forward again at hearing it, desperate for contact, for friction. She grabbed the blonde’s hip and shifted their bodies, the Confessor now straddling over a firm thigh, her sex marking the Mord’Sith with her arousal, the tight muscle of her lover’s rear pressing satisfyingly into her womanhood. Kahlan buried her face in the crook of Cara’s neck, breathed in the scent of her heated skin, her nose tickling that soft, corn-colored hair. She let her hand slip around Cara’s waist, between the Mord’Sith and the mattress, cupping the blonde’s sex in her palm.

Cara’s attempt to restrain her moan at the sudden move failed, the sound of it filling the small room, overtaking their breaths previous volume. Kahlan groaned at hearing it. “Yes,” she murmured, nibbling, pulling the soft flesh of the other woman’s earlobe between her blunt teeth. Her fingers slid further, meeting the wetness that had flooded the blonde’s sex and begun to drip out along her slit. Both women moaned at this, Cara pressing her forehead down into the pillow, trying to regain control of her breath. The Confessor’s eager digits slipped between her lover’s folds, the thick arousal coating her fingers in slick warmth.

“Oh, Cara,” Kahlan groaned, her body arching forward, hips canting against the blonde’s body, just as she slipped her two middle fingers into the Mord’Sith. Cara let out a sharp, pleasured gasp at the intrusion, tapered into an almost relieved whimper.

“Yes,” she sighed, “Yes, please, Kahlan - I need…” the Mord’Sith murmured, having trouble controlling her breathing. Kahlan moaned at hearing her name fall from her mate’s lips, her hips bucking forward again, seeking friction. The move also pushed the blonde’s body forward, and Kahlan’s fingers deeper into her sex; Cara released a satisfied groan, her back arching, grabbing fistfuls of the pillow below her.

“You like that?” Kahlan asked, voice heavy and deep, panting into her ear, “Do you want me to give you more?” she almost goaded. Cara nodded, burying her face into the pillow. As Kahlan reared back, she slipped another finger to Cara’s entrance, before sliding all three fingers deep inside as she pushed forward with her hips again.

“Fuck!” Cara muttered, face pressed into the pillow. “Oh! Fuck, Kahlan!”

“You’re so wet, Cara,” Kahlan groaned, starting a steady rhythm; her sex sliding along Cara’s thigh, and pressing her fingers deeper into the Mord’Sith. “You’re so tight around my fingers,” She muttered, kissing the blonde’s shoulder, her neck, “Have you been waiting for this?” Cara nodded quickly, breathing fast and deep, face still pressed into the bedding. “How badly have you wanted it?” the Confessor asked, a little breathless, her thrusts speeding up slightly, “tell me, Cara.”

“So much,” She gasped out, “Kahlan, so, so much!” a sudden loud moan punctuated the room, as the Confessor’s hips slammed forward with extra force at hearing this. “Oh, yes - please!” Cara almost pleaded.

“Please what,” Kahlan demanded, “Say it - tell me, Cara; tell me what you want,” she gasped out, her hip speeding up, her strokes becoming more desperate. Cara’s groans became louder.

“Fuck me, Kahlan,” She ground out, “M-make me yours, please, I want to- Ooh!” Kahlan became completely wild at this, as though made entirely untamed at hearing these words from her lover. The Confessor’s body moved as though possessed, determined to bring her mate to release, rubbing the heal of her palm into the sensitive nub at the top of the blonde’s sex with each forceful stroke. Before long Cara’s every breath was a panted moan of the Confessor’s name, pleading for release, drawn from her lips like a prayer; caught in a pleasurable trance. The furniture shook, the heavy wooden bed groaning from the efforts atop it.

“Come for me, Cara,” Kahlan growled, “Come with my fingers inside you,” she demanded, pleaded, desperate to feel that release. Then, as though just hearing it from the brunette’s lips, Cara climaxed with a sharp cry. Kahlan practically growled with satisfaction as the blonde’s muscles clamped down around her fingers, her palm flooded with the wetness of Cara’s release. As the blonde’s shout faded to a low moan, Kahlan kept her fingers moving, drawing out the release as much as she could for her Mord’Sith.

When the blonde’s body lowered to the bed, almost boneless, and her sex relaxed around the Mother Confessor’s digits, she withdrew them. The blonde whimpered at the feeling of emptiness, but Kahlan drew the body close, clutching the woman to her front as she held her. The Mord’Sith tried to catch her breath; the brunette’s continued sucking and nibbling at her neck and shoulders not helping any. Cara could feel the Confessor’s still pounding heart against her back.

“Are you satisfied, Confessor?” the Mord’Sith asked, voice somewhat horse, and roughened from lingering arousal. Kahlan’s fingers, still wet from where they’d been inside the blonde, skimmed delicately over her lover’s shoulder; vague patterns and shapes, drawn in cooling lines across her skin, quickly followed by a warm tongue. The brunette hummed her pleasure at the taste of Cara’s arousal and the saltiness of her flesh mixed together. The barest shiver caressed down the blonde’s body, sending a thrill through Kahlan.

“Very,” She murmured, before taking the fingers more deeply between her lips. She felt the Mord’Sith shift beneath her, rising back up onto her elbows, as she turned her flushed face towards the Confessor. The blonde seemed to have eyes only for the Mother Confessor’s mouth as she withdrew her still glistening fingers.

“But you haven’t come yet.”

Kahlan did not miss the hint of a challenge and defiance in her tone.

~ AngelicSinner / VixenRaigns

porn, kahlan/cara, femslash, animal nature, lots

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