Fic: "Animal Nature" Excerpt, Part One... ADULT

Apr 19, 2011 22:56

Title: Animal Nature (Naughty Excerpt)
Author: AngelicSinner / VixenRaign
Pairing: Cara/Kahlan
Rating: ADULT / Hard R / M for Mature
Warnings: Has some 'sexually tense' moments... I have no idea if this is considered to have "kinks" necessarily, but if you spot any and think they ought to have a warning, let me know and I'll add them in here -- sound fair?
Disclaimer: I do not own "Legend of the Seeker", in book or television form, I don't own the characters, the rights, and make no profit -- merely hours of self-entertainment to drive away the boredom, and offer it to reading for others so that they might do the same.
AUTHOR'S NOTE, READ ME: for a good summery, read here: This is meant to be an excerpt from that fic, but I hope can kind of work on it's own... This was written for a friend, who wished to remain nameless, after she'd had a particularly bad couple of days and this was meant to cheer her up. She said i ought to "stretch my porn-legs" so to speak... That was back in January when I lived in Amsterdam, and only just got off my ass to finish this bit of it now. I hope you enjoy it.

Kahlan stared out the window, into the street below the inn. The odd patron wandered in or stumbled out of the tavern on the main floor, shop owners were closing up, the odd townsperson making their way home. The Confessor shifted her tightly crossed arms, and closed her eyes. It had been a very difficult couple of weeks. Months, even.

The effects of the spell had its ups and downs, though when she found herself alone - as she was now - it seemed the only things readily noticeable were the ‘downs’. Kahlan’s nose crinkled; she could smell the stables, though it was a few streets away, and the sweat of the men in the tightly-packed and overly warm bar two floors below her room. She could hear the overwhelming jumble of conversation, song and argument as though she were sitting in the thick of it. The Confessor slowed her breathing and tried to center herself. She needed to stifle the urge to leave her otherwise peaceful room, and take out her frustrations over her heavily besieged senses on her accidental tormentors.

She needed to know where Cara was. Kahlan had not seen her since the evening meal; when the blonde said she was going to find a place to bathe, free of perverse looking tavern-owners and sketchy looking townsfolk lurking in dark corners. It had been too long, however. Kahlan didn’t like the Mord’Sith being out of her sight for such prolonged lengths of time.

Then through the silence she’d forced throughout her mind, a series of clues registered in Kahlan’s brain; that particular rhythm of sure steps, the quick pace with which they approached the inn, the scent that could just be pulled from the air that moved through the window. Leather, soap, and Cara. Then she opened her eyes, and knew that if it weren’t for her unnaturally improved senses, she doubted anyone would have been able to hear the Mord’Sith, and certainly not see her as she moved down the darkened street. Kahlan heard the inn’s main door open and close behind her friend, letting the raucous laughter and jeers of the taverns’ patrons echo across the street briefly, and waited.

The door to their room made no noise as it was opened, but the air it disturbed could be felt moving across the Mother Confessor’s skin. Within it was that same scent that floated up from the street, but there was something else in it too. Someone else. The hairs on the back of Kahlan’s neck rose, and she slowly turned to face the Mord’Sith as the blonde closed the door behind her.

“Where have you been?” Kahlan asked calmly, voice low and smooth, betraying none of her slowly growing anger as it swirled in her belly. Cara tilted her head slightly, expression curious.

“I told you, Mother Confessor,” She answered clearly, “I went to find a place to bathe.”

Kahlan nipped her tongue between her own teeth to keep from snapping. She walked closer to her blonde companion, arms still tightly crossed, inspecting the woman meticulously. Cara’s hair was still slightly damp, and her leather was sticking to her in a way that revealed the blonde had not waited very long before pulling it on; she skin must not have fully dried before she dressed.  Opening her mouth the barest bit, Kahlan breathed deeply through her nose as she walked behind the Mord’Sith; silently taking in her scent. She frowned slightly.

“Why do you smell like that?” She asked quickly, bluntly. Cara turned to face her, her eyebrows drawn together.

“They scented the bathwater.” She explained, giving her head a slight shake. “I tried to rise thoroughly, as I know you can be easily overwhelmed at night. I didn’t wish to disturb your rest, Confessor.” Cara removed a glove, and raised the back of her hand to her own nose to smell. She scowled.

“What did they scent it with?” Kahlan asked, her tone annoyed. Cara shrugged.

“Sage, I believe.” Cara muttered, before letting her hand drop and removing her other glove, “and possibly honeysuckle.” Kahlan stepped closer, inches from the other woman’s face, eyes sharp. Cara remained very still, watching intently.

“There is another woman’s smell on your skin, Cara,” Kahlan ground out. Cara’s eyes widened. “Were you alone in your bath?” she asked, dangerously.

“Of course.” She answered.

“Did you become homesick for the baths you used to share with your Sisters, Cara?” Kahlan asked, her face barely withholding the sneer that was implicate in her tone. “Did you pay some whore to keep the water warm for you?” the blonde’s eyes flashed.

“If you smell another woman on me, I assure you I don’t know how it got there,” Cara snapped. “What reason have I given you to believe I’d hire the company of a whore?” She challenged.

Kahlan growled, her arms shooting out to grasp the blonde’s shoulders; the vision in her head of Cara sharing a bath with some common prostitute, pleasuring her, and paying for it, made her furious. Her teeth clenched, her lips drew back in an angry snarl. Cara’s chin remained raised, her expression affronted; she would not back down from this insult.

Kahlan forced herself to take a number of slow breaths, to calm, to think. Had Cara engaged the ‘services’ of a whore, no amount of bathing could rid the smell so completely. There were only wisps of it lingering… It must have been from the previous bather, she reasoned. She loosened her grip, let out a slow breath through her nose, and eased her eyes open. The woman staring back at her was more calmed as well.

“I’m sorry,” Kahlan croaked out, withdrawing her hands. “It’s hard, sometimes, at night,” Cara merely shook her head, face once again at ease.

“I understand.” She nodded, taking a step towards the window, leaning her shoulder against the wall beside it and looking out. Her eyes eventually turned up towards the sky; the dim light of the still growing quarter-moon holding her attention for long seconds. “It will get easier, for the next week or so.” The blonde reassured over her shoulder, without turning to look at her companion. “The hardest days of the month are already behind you.”

“Perhaps not.” Kahlan muttered quietly, her voice more rough than she would have liked. Cara turned her head to look at the Confessor, concerned. “This is our first stay at an inn since the months this first started.” She reminded. Cara sighed, turning to look back out at the night sky. “It is harder now.”

“I know.” Cara said quietly, almost to herself.

“There’s no watch to wake and wait for, no suspicious gazes to be wary of,” she muttered, walking closer to where the blonde stood. “The privacy of four walls and a locked door, a warm bed to sleep in,” She said, unable to tear her eyes away from the clean-smelling blonde hair now so close to her. “To share.” She finished, almost in a whisper. Cara stood a little straighter, her shoulders more tense.

“I can ask for an extra set of blankets, and sleep on the floor tonight.” Cara stated, not turning around. “I hardly doubt sleeping on the wooden floor of an inn can be any worse than the rocky gully Richard chose for us to camp in earlier this week.” She insisted, tone even; practiced.

Kahlan moved without thinking.

She slipped her hand into the back of the blonde’s belt, grasping it in a tight fist, and yanking the Mord’Sith back into her own body. Her mouth next to Cara’s ear, she breathed hotly into it.

“No,” she nearly growled, almost like a plea. She felt the blonde’s breathing stop briefly. “I want you to lay beside me, close to me, like every night,” she insisted, her nose tickling the back of her companion’s ear. “All night, Cara. Not just for a few hours.” Cara drew in a breath, not allowing it to waver.

“I don’t think this is wise, Confessor.” Cara intoned, turning her head to speak to the woman still so close behind her. Kahlan merely pressed her lips against the blonde’s temple. “Given the events of a few nights ago,” She started, but stopped suddenly. Kahlan’s hands had snuck around her waist, and began undoing the buckle on her belt.

“The spell was at its height then,” Kahlan murmured, pushing the leather straps down Cara’s legs until they fell to the floor around her boots. Her hands glided back up the blonde’s hips, to the bottom of the upper portion of her leathers. The Mord’Sith remained still, her breathing achingly controlled and slow. Kahlan began unfastening the tiny hooks and eyelets that corseted the uniform together, slowly working her way up to reveal her bare torso, as she had a few nights ago.

“But it is not a few nights ago; the moon has returned, Mother Confessor,” Cara challenged, her voice tense and annoyed, “And I am not under any spell.” Kahlan paused briefly. Cara tightly grasped the hands undressing her, not tearing them away, not allowing them to let go either. Her message was clear; the Mord’Sith had no excuses for letting this happen except that she wanted it. And she feared that in the light of day, and the coming days, when the Confessor would be regaining her senses more and more, Kahlan may never forgive Cara for not stopping her. Kahlan undid the next stay, then the next, Cara’s hands still laying atop hers.

Eventually the front of her leathers opened, the loose halves freeing the nakedness of the women within. And, just as she had a few nights ago, the Confessor grasped the blonde’s bared hips in her palms, pressing the woman’s firm body back against her own. Kahlan buried her face against the woman’s neck as the Mord’Sith finally stopped keeping such a tight reign on her breathing. She could smell her fresh skin, the bare hints of the scented water and soap, and - though she knew the woman hadn’t even seen her Mord’Sith naked - smelling the barest scent of someone else. Kahlan growled, her nails digging in slightly to the soft skin of the blonde’s hips. Cara gasped, her head lulling back slightly, her pulse jumping under the Confessor’s cheek. The brunette ran her teeth over the flesh of the other woman’s pulse point, the threat of a bite. Cara shivered, remained still, her breathing quick. The scent of ‘Cara’ soon began overtaking the smell of the soap or anything artificial laying along her body.

With quick, almost angry fingers, Kahlan tore the laces of her traveling dress’ jacket free, tossing it behind her somewhere. The feeling of the cool air, warmed by Cara’s close body, hitting her bare arms, shoulders and upper chest was enough to make her moan. She smoothed her palms up the blonde’s naked stomach, feeling the soft, protected skin wrapped around solid muscle, and the way it flexed as Cara’s breathing deepened. Kahlan groaned at the feel of that warmth under her hands, against her cheek. She couldn’t resist the undeniable pull of that skipping and tripping pulse under her lips. She nipped at the neck of the Mord’Sith, loving the way the blonde tilted her head further aside, as though offering herself to the Confessor’s mouth. She tasted the recently washed skin at Cara’s shoulder, the returning saltiness with the heating of the other woman’s flesh. Kahlan ran her hands up and down the blonde’s torso, almost teasingly running her short nails along as she caressed back down.

Cara let out what was probably the Mord'Sith equivalent of a whimper; a sort of desperately stifled groan of pleasure. Her back arched forward, pressing herself closer to those almost-tickling or almost-stinging scrapes of nails down her skin. Kahlan smiled, feeling quite pleased with herself. She had not hurt Cara, nor did she plan to. She doubted Cara had ever taken a lover who'd not hurt her, even if the blonde herself had asked them to, probably even with Leo. So instead she merely teased; sometimes the threat of something was scarier than the thing's actual fallout. The Confessor wouldn't hurt her companion; simply remind her that she could, and yet chose not to. Kahlan hoped the blonde would be able to see all that she said in such an act.

"Grab the sill," Kahlan's low voice, roughened by her own arousal, rumbled into the blonde's ear. The Mord'Sith did as she was told. She gripped the weather-roughened wood of the window-bottom in her now ungloved hands. Kahlan ran her palms up Cara's belly forcefully, pulling the warrior's body tightly back into her own. She splayed her fingers, allowing herself a moan at the rawness of the woman under her touch.

Kahlan had felt so denied these past months, Cara resisting her need at every turn… save now, and the brief event a few days ago. The Confessor had felt such a hunger for her, to taste her skin, to hear the sounds she knew the woman would make if allowed to have her way with her companion. She could not describe it, or fully explain where it came from, but Kahlan needed to hear the Mord'Sith say her name when in the throws of release; she needed to bring Cara ultimate pleasure. She felt sure, somehow, if she could prove herself a worthy mate sexually, perhaps Cara would cease resisting the draw between them so forcefully.

Kahlan moaned again, pressing her lips into Cara's shoulder, stopping her hands just at the under-curve of each of her breasts. She drew her thumbs firmly towards her breastbone, along the sensitive bottom of the round globes. Cara's breathing stuttered slightly, but still it was almost silent, despite it's depth and speed. The Confessor grinned, kissing from her companion's shoulder to her neck, to just behind her ear. She then grasped both the blonde's breasts in her hands, kneading them firmly, feeling the already stiff nipples tighten fully against her palm. The Mord'Sith gasped, her neck falling completely back against the brunette's other shoulder.

"You feel so warm in my hands," Kahlan murmured against her skin, enjoying the way Cara's mouth hung open in an effort to breathe, her eyes closed. The blonde's chest was heaving with her need for deep breaths, her body pressing forward into the firm touch. Kahlan sucked on the soft skin just behind Cara's ear, moaning at how good it felt to have the woman's naked breasts in her hands. She teased and lightly pulled at the hardened tips of Cara's nipples between her thumb and forefinger, the Mord'Sith releasing a sudden moan; quickly stifled.

"Are you thinking of someone else, Cara?" Kahlan asked, releasing the now reddened skin from between her lips. The blonde head rose up from the Confessor’s shoulder, turning towards her as much as it could without them colliding. Cara's puzzled look saved her from needing to ask the question, which was obviously more difficult for her, as the Confessor had not ceased her ministrations. "Why don't you speak? Your eyes are closed. Do you wish you were with another?" She asked carefully. Cara shook her head, her eyes falling from Kahlan's blue ones to her lips, before gasping slightly; the brunette having lifted the full weight of her breasts in her palms, holding her nipples captive between two fingers each. "Then remind me," she muttered, leaning toward the blonde's mouth.

Cara quickly reached an arm up from the sill, grasping the back of the Mother Confessor's head, holding her close for a kiss. Kahlan all but growled at the blonde's heated assault on her mouth. The Mord'Sith sucked the brunette's bottom lip between her own, teased Kahlan's tongue to follow it back into Cara's mouth, and almost sucked on it, moaning. The blonde pulled away to catch her breath, practically panting, eyes heavy-lidded. The Confessor was impatient, she kissed her again. Kahlan released one of the blonde's breasts to run a hand back down her belly.

When the Confessor's hand passed Cara’s bellybutton, she turned it; her fingers slipping below the waistline of her leather pants. Cara's hips canted forward at the motion, but the pants were too tight, Kahlan couldn't get her hand any further inside than to the last knuckles. She almost growled in frustration, pulling her mouth away.

"Get them off." The brunette commanded. Cara reached down to loosen the ties holding her pant-laces secure at her hip.  Kahlan caught her breath, smelling the corn-colored hair of the slightly bent head before her nose. But then movement out in the darkness caught her eye; a man was stumbling along in the street from the tavern. He held onto the support-beam of an overhang for a shop across the street, hugging it like it was all that kept him from flying off the earth. His vision must have been drawn to their lighted, open window, because Kahlan could see his head pivot directly towards them.

Without warning Kahlan grabbed Cara by the loosened leather of her top, spinning her around and shoving her blindly out of sight and towards the bed. Kahlan leaned out the window and almost snarled at the man, reaching for the shutters and slamming them closed. Her fists clenched, her vision sharpened with her anger… Kahlan wanted to go out into that street and beat the man, drunk or not. He'd watched them, even if only briefly… He'd seen her mate's naked body, her bared breasts, that she herself had worked very hard to gain access to. Her jaw almost ached with the force of her clenched teeth.

But it was the silence in the room that grabbed the Confessor's attention. When she turned back around, she saw Cara facing her, cheeks flushed, hand holding the front of her top closed in a fist. The freed laces at her hip hung undone. The Mord'Sith had a hardened resolve, her eyes were set.

"No," Kahlan demanded, stepping forward. Cara raised her free arm between them, telling the Confessor to halt. She did, but only a breath away from the outstretched palm. "No." Kahlan snapped.

"This is madness, Confessor," Cara insisted, eyes angry, "You do not want this." She said as though to remind her.

"I do, Cara!" Kahlan shouted, "With each passing day I feel more and more sure of this fact," She yelled, smacking the blonde's arm away swiftly and stepping closer to her still. "The daylight just makes it easier to not give into it." she trailed off slightly, her eyes flitting between the green ones across from her and the stern set of the mouth she'd been kissing a just a few blissful moments ago.

"I am Mord'Sith, you are the Mother Confessor," She intoned evenly, "We are creatures of discipline-"

Kahlan didn't let her finish, her hands shooting out to grasp the blonde's face and pull her into a positively ferocious kiss. Cara resisted, her hands pushing against the Confessor's shoulders, but the brunette knew it was not nearly with her full strength. Tilting her head to the side to deepen the kiss, which Cara's mouth had opened to, even if she was still gently trying to shove her companion away; Kahlan grabbed hold of the edges of Cara's top. With a yank and a twist, she had the Mord'Sith immobilized. Cara's arms were caught up in the tightened laces of her sleeves at her wrists, her body once again facing away from her. Kahlan pulled roughly on the jacket in her grasp, the blonde's now naked back pressed against her front. The Mord'Sith made no move to resist.

... To Be Continued...

~ Angelic Sinner / VixenRaign

porn, kahlan/cara, femslash, animal nature, fic ideas, lots

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