May 17, 2012 12:28
I met John through the internet. I was one of those sad souls who didn't know how to chat guys up, pubs and bars so this was my way. We met six days after meeting online, we had spent all week after work talking until we both fell asleep. From meeting with him we were and have ben inseperable. We spend our weekends together we see each other two or three times a week and have done for the last three years 7months that was unti the 22nd of April. We saw each other snd then his work sent him away that night
We were told he was going to Dundee for six days, that was 26 days ago, we got given five different return dates, until last week when we got nothing, and this week we got nothing until yesterday when John was pulled into a meeting and he point blank told them he wanted to return to London (the distance is nearly 400 miles and he hasn't stopped working during that time, he spends his weekend going over documentation for the projects he has been working on during the week.)
So yesterday he got told he would either be a week or a few weeks but there was no fixed return just that he would be back kn time for the Olympics (which he has tickets for they start July 27th, they also said that this is the last time he will ever have to go away. But since has been spending a weekend a month away for the last 19 months and they have said each time this is the last month he'll do this ... Yeah I won't be believing them this time either.
I am trying to be patient/well behaved (as in no whining) but I fear this isn't happening.