I am finally going to be into therapy!

May 14, 2012 18:28

For most people they wouldn't be shouting this from the rooftops, I however am.

Most people tend to shy away from talking sbout their inner issues, I don't I have this wacky thought that people need to talk about mental health a little more openly to take a stigma away from things like depression and anxiety disorders and make people realise how much a part of normal existance they are.

So here is how i look at it. My soul/brain/whereever you think our emotions come from,and where things like depression lay has a bit of a bug say, strep, and the treatment for strep is antibiotics. So, my soul has a prescription for cognitive behavioural therapy. It sounds as though it should work. It will be by no means easy. I have a lot of negative thoughts, and most of them are from my father and I mean to use this therapy to take each one and break it. I did not deserve it and it is now holding me back, it makes me feel worthless and incompetent, things I have visible evidence against.

So now comes the change, the challenge, the heartache and the rebirt. I will be a better person than I am, but the best parts of myself will still remain. I will be me, just a better version.
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