
Feb 24, 2008 19:25

If someone has something to say about my partner, then they can happily tell me. I would be happy to listen and correct them in their assumptions.

Beyond that...Deidara-san has disappeared...and it seems Itachi might be as well. I wonder if perhaps they fell victim to the gods games and were pulled home...if Deidara-san even can be returned.

Private//Hackable but hard~ )

pein is not a freak, furious angel, missing deidara, god's angel is full of wrath, itachi is gone, protective of pein

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BTW, Miwako didn't hack; Deidara had just asked that she keep their friendship secret :> happi_hime February 25 2008, 01:42:22 UTC
Who's insulting your partner, Konan?! That's not nice! At all!

[Private to Konan // Unhackable]
Deikun has disappeared?


That's fine~ Konan is just very upset at the moment angelic_origami February 25 2008, 01:44:25 UTC
Scroll back in the journals. I believe her name is Amane Misa.

{Private to Miwako//Unhackable}

Yes...his room is cold, and he had returned earlier for just a short time. It is more of a feeling that he is gone...


Poor Konan :C (The pieces fell into place for Miwako. T v T) happi_hime February 25 2008, 01:51:48 UTC
. . . . . .
Your partner... is Sir Pein, sir, Konan?


He would like to kill that Misa...?

O... O, my...

MIWAKO WILL TELL MISA TO TALK TO YOU. Or Or Or Miwako will tell Misamisa to back off!

O, my, o, my, o, my....~~~

[Private // Unhackable]
So, then, he has left back home.
That's sad.
I wonder why the gods made that decision...


Finally XD angelic_origami February 25 2008, 01:56:52 UTC
He is my Partner, and my God. Pein is my other half and if she threatens him, no matter she will deal with me.

I would rather not see violence between Demyx-san and his female companion, but my loyalties lie with Pein, and nothing will ever change that.

Speaking with her would be a very wise notion. Miwako-san.


I...do not know. I would wish for his return, but perhaps he is in a better place. Perhaps somehow he is home.


Hey, leave her alone! XD It was only last night! XD happi_hime February 25 2008, 02:03:00 UTC
I don't think, with nothing against Misa, that she really is a threat to Sir Pein... But it's the thought that counts in any situation, right?

Miwako and Misa are good friends, and I just met both Demyx and Sir Pein last night~ ♥ They both seem very nice! :D

I will talk to Misachan, Konan~ I think this is very rude and unnessecary... :C Very sudden, too. How terrible.

[Private // Unhackable]
Hopefully. ♥
The unselfish thing to do is hope he's home and all right...~ We shouldn't wish people to come here, right, Konan? ♥ Everyone always says to be careful what you wish for, after all!

I'm sure he's all right. ♥

If we want, someone could ask the Gods if he's all right and if they could make sure he stays that way~? ♥


True, true~ <3~ angelic_origami February 25 2008, 02:09:29 UTC
I do not control my partner or what he says. But nor will I stand for anyone threatening him. If she makes an attempt on his life in any fashion...

I appreciate your offer. It might works, perhaps.


Yes...perhaps so. I would not want to see him suffer here, as he was.

Though...I hope...


happi_hime February 25 2008, 02:26:39 UTC
Miwako thinks Misachan is getting in over her head, honestly... She is my friend, but... I don't think she is so strong as to honestly challenge the Leader of the Akatsuki.

Which is one of the reasons why all this upsets Miwako.

I'll talk to her. I hope it works. ♥ Things are nicer when they are all smoothed out~ ♥

[Private // Unhackable]
Yes... He was.

Miwako wrote a letter to the Gods asking for something else, and I mentioned about Deikun at the end~ ♥ We'll see what they say. ♥ I hope they bring good, good news! ♥


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