
Feb 24, 2008 19:25

If someone has something to say about my partner, then they can happily tell me. I would be happy to listen and correct them in their assumptions.

Beyond that...Deidara-san has disappeared...and it seems Itachi might be as well. I wonder if perhaps they fell victim to the gods games and were pulled home...if Deidara-san even can be returned.


They are gone. And while I admit I never spoke with Itachi-san in great length he was polite, courteous enough, in his way.

I will miss Deidara-san, I think. He and Tobi-san were the first to welcome me, and give me shelter. I will remain in the station with Pein, and perhaps Tobi-san. And keep an eye on Deidara-san's dragon for him, in his absence.

They may return someday.

Who is to say?

pein is not a freak, furious angel, missing deidara, god's angel is full of wrath, itachi is gone, protective of pein

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