Originally published at
Lost Without You. Please leave any
comments there.
Mood : Tired
Music : Irvine - Kelly Clarkson
“Sometimes the hardest things to talk about are those that matter the most.” - Joey Potter, Dawson’s Creek
I’ve been 23 for a few weeks now. I had a pretty good birthday. I celebrated it with my friends. We had lunch and did a bit of karaoke. It wasn’t anything special but it was great catching up with them again. It’s so difficult to catch up with friends nowadays. Everyone seems to be busy with either work or study. It’s never easy getting everyone together. I caught up with a few friends today too. We did the usual, lunch and a bit of walking around. We also walked through a submarine, which was pretty neat. The inside of a submarine is a lot less glamorous in real life than it seems on TV and movies. It’s very cramped and small, and the beds don’t look comfortable at all. I dunno how they managed in the navy. The picture on the left is of me and my friends. I’m the one on the left.
Anyway, I’ve been thinking a bit about emotions lately. I seem to have trouble expressing my emotions sometimes. There are certain things that I just can’t say to someone, and they’re usually the things that matter the most. I wonder what it is that makes it so hard to vocalise and express the things that matter the most to us. My family never says ‘I love you’ or ‘I’m sorry’. I guess that sounds weird and unusual but I think it’s an Asian thing. We also rarely hug and kiss each other. Hugs and kisses are usually reserved for people you haven’t seen in a while or people who are leaving you for a trip or whatnot. Despite all of that, however, I know we love each other. I guess we have an unspoken understanding about these things. I do wonder, however, if this is what makes it so difficult for me to express my emotions.
I used to feel uncomfortable hugging and kissing friends. It doesn’t bother me anymore though. I’ve kinda grown used to it. I guess it’s a cultural difference. I don’t know why Asians aren’t very affectionate. I guess we have other ways of showing each other that we love each other, through subtle actions and words. It’s kinda taught me to appreciate actions more than words though. Sometimes I’d rather have someone show me they love me rather than saying it.
Heidi has tagged me. I’ve never been tagged before so I thought I’d complete this.
- Link to your tagger and post these rules.
- Share 7 facts about yourself: some random, some weird.
- Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names and link to them.
- Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment at their blog.
- I wear my watch on my right hand
- I can’t cry in front of anyone but my parents
- I love listening to the rain while lying in bed
- I’ve never been overseas before
- I sleep when I’m stressed to clear my head
- Sometimes when I like a guy, I try my hardest not to show it
- I rarely make New Year’s Resolutions because I don’t want to be disappointed when I break them
I tag the following people. Sorry if you’ve been tagged this already.
Michelle, and