Originally published at
Lost Without You. Please leave any
comments there.
Mood : Hot
Music : 22 Steps - Damien Leith
“Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional.” - Chili Davis
Thank you guys for all the lovely comments on my previous post. It’s so good to be back. I hope I stick around a little longer this time and can go back to blogging as frequently as I used to. As they say though, it’s often difficult going back to something. I think it requires more effort, but I love this blog so much that I believe it’s worth the effort. I also thoroughly enjoyed returning all your comments. I can honestly say that I’ve missed reading about your lives. It’s great to see that you are all doing so well.
Anyway today is Lost Without You’s birthday! It’s officially one year old today. Can you believe this blog has been around for one year? Pretty neat huh? You’d think I’d have learnt a lot about blogging and coding by now, but that’s just not true. I’ve only learnt that there is constantly something new to learn. I think it’s a never ending process. My own birthday is just a few days away on the 21st. I’ve noticed that a few bloggers seem to have birthdays that are relatively close to their blog’s birthday. It’s probably just a coincidence but I think it’s pretty neat.
I always start reflecting on my life this time of the year. I start thinking about the things I’ve done and the things I haven’t done. It gets a little depressing because the list of things I haven’t done far outweighs the list of things I have done. There are so many things I’d like to do but I keep putting them off, usually with weak and lousy excuses. I think my biggest problem is fear. It prevents me from achieving a lot of my goals. I can’t pinpoint exactly what it is I’m afraid of, but I believe it’s a mixture of things.
“Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever but the cautious do not live at all.” - The Princess Diaries
I love this quote from The Princess Diaries. The first part of the quote was actually originally quoted by Ambrose Redmoon. There is definitely some truth in there. Many people believe that courage is the opposite of fear, but that’s just not true. I think brave people are afraid too, but they’re willing to rise above that to achieve their goals. And it’s definitely true that the cautious do not live at all. I’ve been living my life way too cautiously. I rarely take risks. It’s safe but definitely no fun. I hope I can summon up enough courage to pursue my dreams one day.
Anyway this post was supposed to be a celebration of life and whatnot. Despite living so cautiously, I do have a few things I’m proud of though. I haven’t done much but I’ve still accomplished quite a bit. And with the exception of a few things, I’m quite happy with my life at the moment. The next time I blog I’ll be 23.