Oh, god, it's 3AM, and I really need to be working on, oh, REMIX (or failing that, math homework. Shut up, my priorities are awesome.) and instead I just found myself here, watching A Very Potter Musical
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title: Easy fandom: HP rating: pg13 summary: Remus is easy. In an epic poetry kind of way. words: 1,100 notes: luzdeestrellas did the beta thing, and carylic listened to me wibble, and musesfool answered all my stupid questions. They all deserved to be thanked greatly. Written for slashtastica for shackinup_sesa
title: And This Is Our Life Aquatic fandom: HP rating: pg13 summary: It's not easy, this doing the right thing. pairing: Sirius/Remus word count: 2,200 notes: Big thanks to the usual gang of people, for putting up with me and helping me out and not mocking my word count OCD the way they could've. Written for regala_electra for shackinup_sesa
title: October Breaks Our Branches fandom: Harry Potter rating: pg13 pairing: Sirius/Remus words: 2,500 written for: sasha_davidovna, who requested: pre-Halloween 1981. Things fall apart. For slashfest notes: Many, many thanks to carylic, luzdeestrellas and musesfool for listening to me whine endlessly, and for pointing out my mistakes (some more than others.)
::clears throat:: Since you lot refuse to entertain me, and, uh, a lot of other reasons (my current inability to title anything), I bring you a meme game!
Put your music folder/playlist on random, pick a line from the first five songs and use them as titles for five drabbles/ficlets. Come on, you know you want to.
title: Half-Mast fandom: HP rating: PG-13 pairing: Sirius/Remus summary: They're both just too many sharp points shoved together. word count: 911 notes: Thanks for luzdeestrellas for the short-notice, no begging needed beta. And thanks to musesfool for being all prompty when I needed her to be.
title: The Deterioration of Lost Places rating: R pairing: Harry/Draco words: 1200 disclaimer: I own nothing. Especially these characters. notes: Written for the_eros_affair cheque number 54: I promise not to say a word. Now betated by luzdeestrellas because she's shiny and loves commas more than I do. Posted here so that I can have it archived.