a strong year, with a bright, bright sun

Sep 18, 2010 23:01

Hey! It's the return of the meme things!

For musesfool: Veronica Mars, Neal Caffery, Mal Cobb, Kurt Hummel, Wendy Watson, Brendon Urie and Gus are an extraction team - who is the point man, the architect, the forger, etc.? Obviously, though Mal may have more experience, no one is going to get the answers like Veronica Mars: Extractor. Mal has the experience, and she's working this one as an architect. Wendy is running point, because she's a total badass like that. Gus is using his years of experience as a pharmaceutical sales rep. to play chemist. Kurt is the client and the tourist. He hired the team to extract from Brendon Urie (the mark) WHEN THE HELL THE NEW PANIC CD IS GOING TO COME OUT ALREADY, JFC. Neal, naturally, is the forger Veronica brings from her former FBI contacts to, you know, seduce the answer out of the mark.

Mal Reynolds and Noah Puckerman are secretly married. How do Arthur and Shawn Spencer respond when they find out? Who on the list knew it all along?Arthur and Shawn find out and are the least surprised ever, because those two are not easy people to sneak things past. Also, Shawn was totally Mal's slightly drunken best man, in a pinch, because he is way better at it than a goat. Gus knew all along, because he was the one Shawn called to come bail him out when he got picked up for public intox. as he was walking (the wrong direction) home.

Gus and Eames are secretly mutants. What are their superpowers? Wow, two of the most obvious mutant super powers ever. Eames, of course, is a shape shifter. Gus has the super sniffer can tap dance like a mofo can spell long words and correct grammar before he's even had coffee or a muffin.

Part III coming soon!


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