my little pop gun

Sep 17, 2010 21:31

Because I'm incredibly kind, allow me to put the part of this post people will actually care about up top.

The Weepies - Be My Thrill
For all I'm not totally head over heels for the new album, this song has just made my entire week.
"And we tumble down like Jack and Jill / and I miss all of the joy you kill / but I love you still"


So I'm thinking about creating a goal for myself to write 750 words a day from now until the end of the year. There are exactly 15 weeks left in the year, which would mean writing close to 80,000 words between now and then. (I round up! My math skills are not that.)

Now, I realize this is, as I was told, "a lofty goal." Especially for someone like me, who tends to see writing as chore more often than not. But I'm in a competition with luzdeestrellas, and she's decided to defy all convention by actually writing things. And I like to win, you guys. There is possibly nothing in the world I like more than winning. Unless it's being right. But those two often go hand in hand for me, so.

The thing is--I want to do this! But I can't figure out if it's something that's actually achievable. I realize, for instance, that there are going to be days when I just cannot write. (For instance: leaving down in... three weeks for fun. in St. Louis. School + driving 6 hours + concert != time for writing.) SO the question becomes: how do I handle these situations?

If I create this goal for myself, am I automatically doomed to failure? Would it count if I just wrote double the words the day before or after? Or would that be cheating? More importantly, would that lead to a sneaky procrastination spiral where I put it off thinking I can just write all the words at the last minute. Like how I know I have a test due and I should totally at least skim the four chapters it's over, but I'm like, "well, I have until 11pm on tomorrow... there's plenty of time to do it later!" Or, even worse, would it lead to the sneaky shame spiral, where I miss a day or two and then promptly feel like I am never, ever going to catch up, or be able to accomplish anything and I fail at life and the internet and everything ever?

I have no idea how to actually make myself do things. I get bogged down by the "oh, it's not due for two days" or, "well, it'd suck if I did it anyway" or, most commonly, "No... INTERNET! FOREVER!"

Advice: I need some! Ideas, suggestions not related to finding a cliff immediately, and all other forms of input are welcome and requested. Please?

In conclusion: I realized today that I'm turning 25 in two and half weeks, and my entire life is basically this Hyperbole and a Half post on loop. But with less banking and more homework.

What. the. shit.

You should all rec me porn.

i do it all for the wording, writing is hard yo, sharing is caring

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