Jun 06, 2005 11:23
i so never update this thing so i guess i will.
see ..... i went back on reserve so im not moveing for a bit, i moved back to my parents house and im never here, so its kindov cool to have money, but its wierd living with other ppl. i really like living alone.
im considering buying a old house here in phoenix, or old town glendale. i dotn know how i would do it, i would need a roomate for a while.
i fianally got my suicide girls photoshoot done. yesterday, its so fucking hot, i really hope they take the submission. if they dont...theyre dumb and big dorkasaurs.
i dont have a boyfreind, been officially single for six months now. my love life is intresting, but noone that really does it for me right now. ::sigh:: i still miss monty, but i know i broke it off for the right reasons, i just miss the man i was with for over a year.
well im hopping in the shower, hope all is well with everyone.