how do i feel

May 01, 2005 13:35

i cant seem to get the hours up on my line, although i have a plan of action i just want to wait and see if anyone puts money on their trips for the nexxt month. i always get so nervous when there isnt enough hours in my shcedule.
i autoed out of my boisie turn today i just ddnt want to do it, i was up late last night. see yesterdzy i was laying in bed, mourning over my hang over and the gnarly bruise that some girl left on me when i was makeing out with her at hot pink(diffrent story) and all the sudden it hit me really hard that i missed monty. it was kindov odd cuz i havent really thought about it sience him and i broke up. so i blew it off and went about my day, but really couldnt kick that bummed out feeling.
so come the night, im talking to greg and he instantiously gets upset with me asking what my gripe is with him and why i say negeative things about him. thats odd i didnt think i did ,but i have been awfully distant from the real world so maby i have. so i was layin in bed last night and i just started crying, and being the lack of sleeping pills i had with me i was totally awake and miseriable, watching the clock tick till i had to get up for work. i gave rob a call and cried my eyes out on the phone, which is better than last time i did something like this where i got blown off by the person i called. why dont i even want to hang out with anyone anymore? ive never felt so disconnected from my surroundings in my life. man i am seriously miseriable! if i didnt have work and stress i dont know if i would have a reason to get up in the morning. so from the lack of sleep i decided to auto out of part of my trip and come home. this creates more stress to get more hours for next month, although i think it will all work itself out, i just am a stress case no matter what. my vacation didnt do much good for me atall.
today i gotta start packing, and i put notice in to my land lord and my utilites, cept for the stupid gas company which isnt open on the weekends, so i guess if your gas goes out your fucked till monday, this citry is so bass akwards.
well anyway, so i was talking to robert and i said you knwo ive chased you as long as weve known eachother,( yes that would be ten years ) and he said he felt honored to be chased by a goddess like me. ha goddess right! but tht was pretty sweet, i dont understand why ive been cursed to fover care about someone who ultimatly married someone else. fancy that.
::sigh:: lets get this shit on the road, im ready to leave this place.
hope everyone had a good weekend :)
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