Ahh exercise...

Sep 01, 2008 21:46

I wanna say I love it, some days I guess I do, but man! Ever since I started using hand weights to help tone my arms during my walks I've been la beat. *sigh* It's kinda nice to be doing it for the right reasons this time. It's not to impress anyone, or help myself find a man, or even because I know I should... maybe because i started by accident I don't dwell on it too much? Ah well I guess some things are never to be explained. It does kinda cheese me that I've gone from 2 miles in 34 minutes back up to 2 miles in 41 minutes tho.... I guess if i started jogging in a couple minute intervales it would bring the time back down, but I'm just concerned that with my current health, though better but still not great, I would hurt myself if i tried to jog at this point. Man I know they say the stuff worth getting is worth fighting for but I wish that just *one* fucking thing I'm tryin to achive in my "road to recovery" could be easy. Not just easier but EASY... I mean if i'm gonna bitch and wish why not ask for it all huh? *grin*

That brings me to a question though up of pure interest.... SO what is anyone workin on out there? Anything good? anything fun? anything shitty? just curious but i miss you loves and well let's be honest here.... I'm nosy. :P me? well since you asked...

Working out - my new goal is 25 more poulds I'm currently nill on that one but I did take a few days off and I haven't gained any back so yah!
School - Starting tomorrow and I feel like I'm in fucking kindergarden again... I'm so excited to go Hee! Real people! Real conversation over the age of 8 WooT!
Emotional - I could go on here so the short thing I getting over the Approval Addiction ( alomst there....Reach!) and putting some of my more emo drama tendacies aside
Personal - I wanna Wii! I guess this is more of a wish than a goal but I figure when I *finally* get around to really quitting smoking I'm gonna start an Angel Enjoyment Fund and put cash in it to get me some stuff... but there is that whole broke thing *sigh*

There could be more but Iza not bore yah'll with that now. Anyway The last Matrix movie is calling and momma needs a shower ssooo

Ciao Babies,

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