Froms Britts Journal

Sep 23, 2005 09:47

LJ Interests meme results

  1. belly:
    I think the belly is one of the most sexy parts on a persons body. I guess I have some what of a belly butoton fetish. Which explaines the three piercings and if all goes well one more on the bottom so I can link the top and bottom. I just think cute lil innie belly buttons are hot. Outies make me want to puke.
  2. conservative:
    I like the fact that some people think of me as conservative. It's this silly little mistake people make. Based on looks people judge the hell out of you so I'll tottally play the part people label me as when I'm around them but I consider myself the extreme opposite.
  3. free willy:
    Derrick and I smoked and watched this movie, I'll never look at Willy the same again.
  4. interesting people:
    Meeting interesting people is almost like a high. It's inspiring. Contrary to popular belief I love people but the majority of them are dumb as hell.
  5. modeling:
    I wish I was pretty enough to get paid to smile a whole bunch and work out everyday. That would be the goods.
  6. oatmeal cream pies:
    What more can I say ;)
  7. poetry:
    A damn good poem can make you look at things completely diffrent. Poems can insprire and encourage you.
    I've always been into quotes. I love them.
    -"Happiness is not a destination.It's a method of life".
    "Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
  9. stir fry:
    Tofu is a lot easier to get down when you spice it up with some stir fry.
  10. tom petty:
    "You belong among the wildflowers
    You belong in a boat out at sea
    You belong with your love on your arm
    You belong somewhere you feel free"-Tom Petty "Wild Flowers"

    Last dance with mary jane
    One more tome to kill the pain
    I feel something creepin'in
    i'm tired of this town again

    "well i don't know what i've been told
    you never slow down, you never grow old
    tired of screwin'up, tired of going down
    tired of my self, tired of this town
    oh my my, oh hell yes
    honey put on that partydress
    buy me a drink sing me a song
    take as i come, 'cause i can't stay long"-Last Dance With Mary Jane

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