Wait, was there any good? Yes, after storing about 5 to 6 Rubber Maid tubs of yard sale items for over a year, I am down to just two. Don't get me wrong, I hardly sold a thing. Most of it went to Hannah Home. I only kept some nice curtains no one wanted, and a few pretty black items. If anything, I lost money. But it was good to get rid of the stuff.
The bad? 6 of the 8 pups in Stella's litter have died of a parasite they contracted while at the shelter. I was so depressed about that. I looked and looked at the remaining dogs on the Petfinder.com website and finally decided on this one:
she is a Bichon Frise (sp?) mix, and there is just something in her eyes that says I need you! I have emailed the foster home to see about putting down a deposit for her. Her current name is Daisy... but again, I am leaning towards Lilith. I have gotten her toys, a small travel tote, a crate and crate pad so far. Oh, and poo bags for the deposits made on walks.
crate for crate house breaking and for when i cant keep an eye on her
pad to make it comfy once she learns not to pee in it
the pearl gray one..
her travel tote for trips to nana's
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=150245325030&ssPageName=STRK:MEWN:IT&ih=005 for cleaning up those messy deposits
if something happens to her, I dont know what I will do.
I still have to fix my back screen door, thank you Asia for screwing it up, and to re hang my back gate. there there is the issue of the pool... its gotta go soon.
i wonder how much fill dirt is, i mean, its just dirt!
wish me much much luck!