Not sure if I am putting the cart before the horse, but I have decided to get a puppy. I am getting her from a shelter, so there will be one less baby at risk. She will be old enough to be adopted in June. The cost of adoption will include having her spayed. Her mommy is a Shih Tzu mix, and I have no idea who daddy(s) are.
she is brown and white and if all goes well, I will name her Lilith.
I just bought this off ebay for her...
My pain shrink told me when he got a puppy, it changed his world. He became more active, and the dog just made him feel better. Thats what I need, to be more active and to feel better.
I immediately ordered Ceasar Milan's book, cuz I love me some Dog Whisperer. Since puppies are not born with the problems he addresses on his show, I need to know what his advice is on rearing a well balanced pup. I was going to ask around of the people that live in our subdivision if they pick up the poop when walking their dogs (so many people walk in our hood, whether its a dog, a stroller, or just to walk) but this morning I found a rather large pile of poop in my yard!
Our yard sale is this weekend! We have worked so hard on this. I have a closet full of little skinny girls clothes that Jessie and Brandi are trying to sell. It was sickening to help them put prices on size 00 jeans... heh
Work sux as usual. I am so fed up with Lillian. How do you deal with a supervisor who will look you in the eye and lie? Who takes every suggestion you have and ignores it. Who tries to undermine your confidence in your ability to do your job on a daily basis? I used to feel like the Alpha Geek here, if it needed fixing, I was your girl. I can still fix just about any problem with the system, but when it comes to making a decision on how to deal with a student with an issue or whatever, she will always over ride me. She makes everyone feel that way. I have a note on my calendar to join ESPO in June. Thats the union for employees in the educational system. I need to know what my rights are when it comes to her. She has actually called me into her office and asked me to tell her everything I thought she was doing wrong.... ???
pup thoughts, happy thoughts..... klonopin....