Yays! You know, at first I didn't think I would like it, but I have come to really love Babylon 5. ESPECIALLY after Sinclair left. I mean, Sheridan is a little corny, but Sinclair gave corny a new meaning. I have one episode left of season four and am shoring myself up for (what I have heard is) the disappointment that is season five. Oh well, I'm sure that I'll find something in it to entertain me, if it is so very bad as they say.
Speaking of non sequiturs,
Yeah, they look a little similar, don't they. Sandman, is that you sitting there with the Council of non-aligned worlds? They are the Gaim (for Neil Gaiman) and sadly, they do not inhabit the dreaming, although Delenn does go there for a visit. No kidding. She goes to the dreaming. That's even what they call it. I'm just sad she didn't meet the Gaim in the Dreaming. Yeah. I love sci-fi/fantasy that references other sci fi/fantasy. It's like waving at all the other little paddleboats in the bay and ignoring the big oceanliners. Ha ha.
Anyway, I've got more geeking to do.