It took a few days, but here it is: Dragon*con was awesome!
Ah, the ant people in the Hyatt. We did not stay there, but we did taunt the ant people from above. We stayed in the Wyndam, which was pretty nice since it was closer than the holiday inn and they gave us bottled water every day when they serviced the room. The staff wasn’t as friendly as they are at the Holiday Inn (go figure) but we do want to stay in the Marriot next year, if for no other reason than that we can taunt the ant people from just outside our room.
We met Avery Brooks and Cirroc Lofton on Friday. It was awesome because at first we were just talking to Cirroc, who played Jake Sisko on Deep Space Nine, and we told him our names and where we’re from and all that, and he was really nice, but when we got to meet Avery a little while later, Cirroc turned to him and said “That’s Hallie and Bree, from upstate New York.” They both said that in unison when we showed up to have that picture taken. And they both remembered our names for the rest of the convention and said hi to us when we passed and everything. Cirroc even gave us a goodbye hug on Monday. *yays*
OMG we met James Marsters. Again. And he hugged us. *squee* (I generally refrain from fangirlish squeeing as much as possible, but I could not help it.)
We met Cliff Simon (who plays Ba’al on SG1) on Friday as well, and he remembered us throughout the convention, waving when we passed. He even called and texted Marcia to let her know he wanted us to have the My Little Pony he customized for the American Heart Association auction for SGOWF.
Gigi Edgley, who played Chiana on Farscape, is like the most adorable person in the world. She spent like ten minutes talking with us, telling us stories about her mother in Vegas and how Virginia Hey doesn’t like to hear that anyone likes Chiana better than Zhaan. And when we asked if we could get a picture with her, she came out from behind her table and took like five pictures with us, arranging different poses each time.
Speaking of Virginia Hey, we met her next. She is enormously tall, and she still looks strange to me when she isn’t blue. She was funny, too. She sprayed us with her own brand of perfume (which smelled pretty good, actually) and had a chat with us. She remembered us when we came back and said hi to her a few times through the rest of the convention.
We met Torri Higginson on Friday as well, and she signed my Elizibear. She is much funnier than Weir, and she made the cutest face when she saw the glasses on my Radek bear.
We met Rainbow Sun Franks right after Torri and had him sign Hallie’s Aiden Ford bear. He was so excited to see that someone had made a bear of him and he drew some little inscrutable doodle near his name on the bear’s back. We brought Hallie’s Ronon bear by later to show him, his handler, and Torri, and the two girls were really impressed but all he said was “Fucking Ronon bear.” He was forced by the girls to concede that Ronon bear is awesome however.
We met Erik Avari on Friday also. He seems like a really nice, sensible man, though we didn’t really spend a lot of time with him.
We had to wait until Saturday to meet David Nykl. He’s adorable, but to me his voice sounds funny when he’s not speaking with a Czech accent. He loved the Radek bear, which I had him sign. He also was the Auctioneer for SGOWFs fantastic American Heart Association auction this year, and the thing I remember most clearly is him singing in the My Little Pony theme song.
We met Jewel first in 2005, but we decided to go up to her table again this year because she is, more or less, the reason I got into sci fi. Catalina was my idol as a kid, and then she was Kaylee and now Keller. We told her we’d met her before and that we gave her the Kaylee Barbie and she remembered us. She said she and her friends love the Kaylee Barbie doll, which made me happy.
We met Morena in 2005 also, and when we went up to her this year, she said we looked familiar. She had some inkling of who we were three years later. Her hair is really short now, which surprised me a little, though I don’t know why. She and Jewel together are hilarious in panels. Speaking of panels, she gave up Inara’s secret in the Monday Stargate panel, because someone said Joss said it first. Inara is dying!
:) Yays. When I met Nathan, he asked what the best part of my convention experience so far was (this was only Saturday) so I said, “Meeting you, Nathan.” He remembered me for that when we met him again for this picture. Alan shared stories of creepy puberty Skipper dolls.
And finally, Robert Picardo and Ethan Phillips. Ah, Voyager. Apparently Ethan Phillips used to climb up here in the ‘gunks as a young fellow and Robert is a master teller of the inappropriately timed dirty joke.
Well, that’s my convention in a nutshell, if you add Are You A Goa’uld and some other random fun.