Dec 03, 2005 16:59
Last night we went back up to Chicago to FUNK and partied. Open bar... can't beat that... danced for awhile and came home. Chris and I had an explosion and everything possible came out. We have been bickering and arguing over stupid, insignificant things for the past couple of weeks and we finally put an end to it. After dropping Matt, Bobbie and Liz off we sat in his driveway watching it snow, talking. We talked until we were both exhausted about everything that we have been bickering about. I think for the most part, we have things figured out, all except the trust issues. Everyone keeps telling me that it will come back in time... so I guess I am waiting to see. Besides the trust, our relationship is amazing. I think that's why I am having such a hard time with everything. It doesn't make sense that it is perfect except for that.
Anyway, the snow is pissing me off too.... I LOVE SNOW!! And it keeps falling a little bit, teasing me! Never enough to go out and "play" in it.
Learned how to give shots thursday. Most fun I've had in nursing school yet. We have body parts that you can wrap around your arm or leg to practice with. I was giving a friend of mine a shot in the "arm", she screamed, and I jumped!! HAHA... I am already nervous about giving my first real shot and it's not for at least another two months. One more week of school, finals and then countdown to CHRISTMAS!! I LOVE CHRISTMAS! I LOVE THE LIGHTS... SNOW... SEEING ALL MY FAMILY...
Tonight: R-Way with Eric and Emily, maybe Bobbie and Matt.... then either out to DC's or maybe to a couple bars in Valpo....
Next semester: Math, some one credit nursing classes, OB AND MED SURG!!! YAYA!! I AM SO EXCITED!!! HOSPITALS HERE I COME!!!