Jun 07, 2010 19:42
Monkey aka Mom bought me 2 algae eaters as a belated mother's day present. My tank needed them. A little over a month after the 2 I had died due to lack of food (I think) my big tank started to breed algae. I've tried like hell to get it to stop growing so quickly, the tank gets gravel vacuumed once a week and with the algae growing like it has I've had to change the filter once a week too (not due to being overcrowded either). Well with any luck these 2 new algae eaters will help keep the amount of algae that grows back down to a manageable amount.
One of the little guys looks like the icon while the other one is lighter in color with more light colored spots than dark ones. It's also the more active of the two.
Today in town some guy pulled out of the Walmart parking lot, cutting me off. He looked at me before cutting me off. I had to slam on the brakes or else I would have went right into him. What the hell is wrong with people around here? I've got 3 words for him, learn to drive.
This week is the last week I have of Orientation then I get 1 week off before starting my first block of classes. I will be doing Health something or other and something related to going back to college. They are 9 weeks long. I have selected some movies I want to watch during my week off from school since I really haven't had much time to pay attention to what I rent lately. Doing 2 classes at once will keep me much busier than this one class does so I hope it goes smoothly. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous.
So, how are you?
associate of arts in business,