Fic: A Most Peculiar Man (Oscar)

Nov 10, 2009 23:46

Okay I'm going to post this because my beta has not gotten back to me! heheh I love you though werkelijkheid90!!!!!

Title: A Most Peculiar Man
Author: angelascats
Characters: Oscar
Word Count: 462
Rating: PG-13 for character death
Summary: Oscar moves away.
Author's Notes: Okay, it's not happy. I have come to terms with the fact that my stories turn out cheesy no matter what I write about. But it's not happy anyway. This story is somewhat loosely based on the song, A Most Peculiar Man, by Simon & Garfunkel.
Disclaimer:I own nothing from the Office. I do not make any money off my fanfiction.

It was ten years after the accident. Oscar couldn't live in Scranton anymore. Shortly after the funeral he packed his bags and moved to New York City. Who has a mass funeral, anyway? Eight people had died and they were all buried together like a bunch of fish flushed down the toilet. There weren't even any individual eulogies.

Oscar lived in a small apartment by himself. The first time he went out after moving he heard an Abba song and nearly broke down. He didn't listen to music anymore after that.

His apartment was perfect, except for his nosy upstairs neighbor, Mrs. Riordan. She was an old Jewish mother whose children didn't visit her anymore, so when she saw Oscar, she jumped on the opportunity to take care of him. She visited him twice a week to bring him tea. Every time she came Oscar was able to get her out after no less than two hours. He wasn't even subtle about wanting her to leave. And when she found out he was gay, Oscar hoped she would finally leave him alone. But no. She knew a friend of her son's.

The date wasn't so bad, the guy was nice, and it almost convinced Oscar to start socializing again. But it wasn't quite enough. Mrs. Riordan wasn't happy about it, but she wasn't about to give up. On her bi-weekly visits she told him stories of other “guys she knew that would be perfect” but he declined them all. Oscar eventually had to tell her he met someone.

A few months later, he really seemed to be getting better. He even went out for coffee with Mrs. Riordan once in a while. So she didn't worry as much. And she went on vacation to a quiet town in Massachusetts.

When she came back home, she smelled something terrible. She followed the odor downstairs to Oscar's place and assumed he was trying to cook again. She knocked on the door, and finding it unlocked, let herself in. The apartment was dark and reeked of gas. She covered her nose with a handkerchief and looked for Oscar. She found him in his bed, silent and without a pulse.

They let her look around his place after the funeral because she was the only one mentioned in the note. She didn't find much-a few dishes, several dozen books, his clothes. When she searched his top dresser drawer, though, she found a wallet-sized photo hidden in the back. It was of a good-looking man in a sweater vest, smiling broadly at the camera. His eyes were brilliant blue. She flipped the photo to the back and read:
Andrew Baines Bernard

She tucked the photo in her wallet and went upstairs to call Oscar's brother.

pairing: andy/oscar, my fic

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