Fic: Phone Number (Andy/Oscar)

Nov 07, 2009 23:43

Title: Phone Number
Author: angelascats
Pairing: Andy/Oscar
Rating: Pg-13ish
Notes: I don't know what's up with me, I've been writing a lot lately. This is just a short drabble-type fic about Oscar and Andy, set just after Business Trip. Hope it doesn't suck. There's not a lot of character development or anything, so yeah. Don't expect much.

Oscar held the phone number written on a bar receipt tightly between his fingers. Scrawled in sloppy handwriting was Andy's cell number and a little smiley face underneath. Oscar picked up the receiver to his phone, his hands sweating, then put it down again. Why was he so nervous? It wasn't like he was asking for a date. They were friends. They were...wingmen. God he hated that term. It's not like Andy would be upset that he called. He gave him his number, after all.

He was starting to sound like a teenage boy.

Oscar sighed and picked the phone up again, and determinedly dialed the number. One ring. Oscar twirled the cord around his fingers. Two rings. Oscar almost hung up. Two and a half--

“Helloooo?” Oscar froze. “Hello?”

“H-hey, Andy, it's Oscar. I was just calling to see what you were up to,” he spat out.

“Well, hello, Oscarino!! Me and Angela were just playing Mad Libs but...what's that? Oh, she says I can leave if I sure, Angelina?...okay...So what did you want to do?”

Oscar was a bit taken aback when he realized Andy was talking to him again.

“Uh, I don't know. Maybe you could come over here and have a few beers?” He sounded so desperate. Fuck.

“Delightful! I'll just kiss my Angela goodbye and hop on over there!”

“All right, see you soon,” Oscar hung up before he said anything foolish. He twiddled his thumbs for a few minutes before looking around his apartment. He had to clean up.

Oscar was just putting the last of the dishes away when he heard a loud knock. He wiped his hands dry on his pants and opened the door.

“Oscar!” Andy raised his arms, a 6-pack in each. Oscar let him in.

“You really didn't need to get anything, Andy, I have beer here.”

“The more, the merrier!!” Oscar rolled his eyes and smiled. He forgot how comfortable he was when Andy was actually there. He cursed phones for making him so nervous.

Seven beers later they sat on Oscar's couch, almost rolling with laughter about something they couldn't remember. Andy was steadying himself with his hand on Oscar's knee and Oscar couldn't lift his head from where it was laying; on the couch next to Andy's shoulder. Eventually the laughter died out and they were left there in the same positions, awkward silence filling the room. Andy pressed his palm to Oscar's cheek.



Oscar looked like he was going to crack up again but Andy's eyes stopped him. Oscar leaned in to Andy's hand and they met for a short kiss. Andy looked up, much more shyly now, and blushing.

“What was that, Andy?”

“I-I just thought...” he took his hand away and started to get up.

“Andy,” Oscar gripped his arm. Andy turned.

“I just mean...what about Angela?”

“I really don't think she cares about me. To tell you the truth...I think she's cheating on me. And you've been better to me than she ever has. And I barely know you.”

That was enough of a reason for Oscar. He pulled Andy down by both arms for a deep kiss. After a few breathless minutes, Andy got up and straddled him.

“Andy!” Oscar gasped. Andy grinned and took Oscar's mouth to his again. Oscar lifted his arms from where they lay on the couch and embraced Andy, pressing his fingers into his back and pulling him closer. Andy groaned deeply in response.

“Thanks for calling, Oscar.” Oscar smiled.

“No problemo.”

THE END!!!!!!!

pairing: andy/oscar, my fic

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