Oct 31, 2004 06:52
whats up everyone... well i ve been posted at the rents house since they are out of town for 4 days but today is my last day here cause well tonight im going to be at a party and then tomorrow i ll be at nicoles house. after that its goign to be wherever i can find a place. i m thinking about asking my parents but i m pretty sure about their answer already. but hey whatever i dont want to sleep in the truck again. anyways. so i applied at probably 60 places online from as far south as oly and as far north as seattle. since i got no where to stay i figure i can apply anywhere right. so hopefully something comes through for me. well um being at my parents house has kind of made me feel good. i mean i left nicoles freaked as ever but then staying here has just been what i needed since i left. which is why im going to ask my rents if its ok if i stay for a month. then i ll get out of here.
well, heres something that totally sucks for me right now. i know that i totally totally dig nicole but at the same time i dont know i m kind of pushing her away. which is probably best i know that everyone would be happy if i did. but theres so much about her that i makes me feel decent but there is also so much about her that i dont get yet. and she doesnt know a lot about me. i m actually just afraid to tell her a lot. i guess i m doing what i do with everyone and that is push them and test them before they have a chance to hurt me. anyways i got to go i have to wash my clothes and get my costume ready.