A brief check-in

Sep 10, 2013 14:46

Yikes!  How is it September already?  I used to think older people were crazy when they said time went faster as you got older (Really, grownups? Isn't time a universal constant? was my snippy internal monologue), but the older I've gotten, the more it seems true.

Greg started teaching in mid-August.  Eric went back to UNC-A in mid-August as well.  Matthew and Natalie started the last week of August (my baby started high school!!) and we leave to take Julia back to Northwestern on Saturday.  Plus, Julia turned 20 last month.  Just saying, "I now have two 20 somethings and two high school students" makes me feel positively geriatric.  I'm still two years away from 50, but it's creeping up.  Somehow I thought that people in their late 40s had it all figured out.  Boy, was I wrong.

Fannishly things are still pretty quiet.  I started watching "Broadchurch" with a couple of friends and while it's interesting it isn't all consuming.  I started reading Game of Thrones finally, but can only do it in small chunks.  It's hard to get attached to characters that you know are more disposable than tissues.  My favorite George R. R. Martin joke so far is, "Why doesn't GRRM use Twitter? Because he killed all 140 characters."  I'm starting to realize just how very true that is.  I need an enthralling book recommendation.  One real downside of doing so much reading online is that my sustained attention really isn't what it used to be.

I may actually try a couple of new tv shows this year as well.  "Sleepy Hollow" looks potentially interesting and "Almost Human" will get at least one chance because, Karl Urban.  Though I don't have high hopes that either will survive the season.

Now, off to fetch the minions, I mean kids, I go.
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