Mar 26, 2009 17:00
It's been a while, so I figure it's time for an update.
I was planning on working 8 hours today, but when I went back and looked at my time card, I realized that if I did that, I'd screw up my evil plan for milking as much money as I can out of the paycheck. On Sunday, I took the gamble that it would get busier and I went home on standby. That's $3.50 an hour, plus you can take PTO on top of it, so by going home for a few hours, I made $3.50 an hour more than I would have by staying at work. Then I got called back in. Getting called back in is almost $25 an hour (time and a half + $3.50 an hour), so I got a few hours of that, too. So if I worked past 6 hours today, the time I worked today would have just replaced the PTO I took on Sunday. So, I wouldn't have gotten any benefit out of it, therefore, I went home at the usual time.
Decided that since I had some time to kill, I would take some time and ride around looking for geocaches. I went after a couple that were right down the street a ways, so I wasn't riding all over hell and creation looking for them. Unfortunately, they were all placed in horrendously high-traffic areas, and I don't like caching in muggle-rich environments. (Muggle is a rip-off from Harry Potter, meaning folks who aren't into geocaching.) First one was in the parking lot of a local pizzeria, always busy. No go. Next was on a busy street corner. I tried looking for it for a minute or two before the Oregon idiots got involved and started honking and screaming obscenities out the windows of their speeding cars. No go again. Next one was mercifully in the middle of a big field with a creek running through. Nice big cache, a pleasant one to find.
Moving on, the next one was just across the street from a bustling office park. I found that one rapidly with no searching required, so I logged it and slapped it back up pretty quick. The one after that was about 20 feet away from one of our drive-through coffee huts. All three baristas had their eyes on me, and that's a big no no for me caching. No go on that one.
So, I've decided that from now on, I'm not making any special trips for urban caches. I'll stick to my rural hiking caches that don't need to involve being stealthy and shameless. There hasn't been a single urban cache that's really been worth looking for out here. "More Radical," one of the caches I found in Denver, was a great one. I'll still probably look for the ones in the parks around here, because parks are fun to visit.
Other interesting things...School starts up again on Monday. This term, I'm taking Elementary Functions (or Trigonometry), and Probability and Statistics. I'm really happy with my Trig professor. He's already sent out the syllabus with the homework assignments attached to it. I'm already half way done with the first homework assignment. I think this particular class is going to be a breeze. Here's to hoping I'm right. I'm excited to get back to classes that I really like, and I'm looking forward to all my classes now that I've gotten away from the health care major. Anatomy and Physiology is not my bailiwick. Math is.
Not a lot else going on right now. The weather is getting a lot better, and tomorrow, I'm going to ride to work. If the weather keeps up, I'll be able to ride all three days this weekend, which would be really great! Can't wait.
And that's all I've got for today. Take care.