New fic

Sep 27, 2004 21:55

Well, my lazy fanfic writer days are over (well, not exactly since I've been working in All Alone). It's been sometime since I posted a new fic of my own... And voila! It's up! I'm really nervous about it. Self-consciousness has gotten me. I hope people will like it, I'm having fun plotting it and teasing
nousia and Any with the plot  =P.

By the way, I'll take the chance to embarrass congratulate
nousia and
anazecria for being among the top 5 more recommended authors at Portkey. You both deserve it! and I'm (un)patiently waiting for more fics.

I find it really funny that so many people considered for a second that I would write a smutfic. I thought that my resistance to even read them (except yours, Nielle, I'm a good friend) would be an indicative... Anyhow, I Wonk'd the newbies at least. I know the people who know me better realized that it had to be a joke.

Saying goodbye for now... Got to study for this nasty Economy test. I hate Economy. That's one area I will never cover when I'm a journalist, that's for sure.

ETA: Nitya you're MEAN!
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