Things I don't understand...

Sep 23, 2004 21:55

  • Why most chilean men are so dominated by their wives/girlfriends.

  • Why said men lose any opinion they might have and change their personality completely when their wife/girlfriend is around.

  • How my friend can stand such a snob, annoying and superfcial girlfriend.

  • US not letting Cat Stevens (Cat Stevens!!) enter the country. Involved in terrorism? right...

  • Why everytime the Oposition has a point, this Goverment insists in bringing up they once supported Pinochet during the dictatorship.

  • How my mum can spend 4 hours checking her e-mail. In my computer.

  • Why my sister is having such a long Turkey Age (If you don't know what the Turkey Age is, just ask!)

  • Why my dad is so convinced I'll be successful in my career.

  • Why my mum is so convinced I'll be succesful in my career.

  • Why my friends think I'll be succesful in my career.

  • Why I don't share their beliefs. (Before anyone baps me, I'm not self-deprecating. There are so many journalists in Chile, half of them unemployed, that I have my doubts I'll be able to work in what I want...)

If anyone can explain some of these things to me, I'd appreciate it...

Also, I think I shouldn't ship Harry/Hermione. Seriously, I give bad luck to ships. Most of my ships (unless they are the default ship of the story) sink. That's depressing :(

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