You're Gods!!

Aug 18, 2004 16:02

Attention: this is my tennis fan side speaking.

Thanks Fernando for giving Chile a little hope! 6-4 6-4 and Roddick is out! (I'm sorry to all of you who were rooting for Roddick, especially phoenixds and amynoelle who only liked Roddick because of his great tennis skills =P). When I heard the results I almost squealed in the middle of my Media class. That wouldn't have been very good...

And of course, Nicolás Massú won too! Now he'll have to face Carlos Moya... Last time Moya won, time for payback!

Well, whatever happens I think they have already done a great job. I don't know if we have a chance to get a Gold Medal (for a change) but at least everyone was really happy today.
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