my friend Eric Mohat

Apr 03, 2007 12:43

we wish we had known he was hurting so much inside. he never showed it. he was always so happy, like a kid on a permanent sugar rush.


he was... is... such a wonderful, happy, cool in that dorky way that rocks so much, smart and amazing kid.

i am always going to treasure my memories of...

going on grocery store adventures.

setting off fireworks on new year's eve to terrify the backyard turkeys and running when we thought the cops were coming up the street, and making the abominable ice cream sundaes, and watching "Sean of the Dead".

musing on the fact he totally wasn't grossed out when Erin and i started talking about boobs and birth control (even though he'd cringe when i started in about tattoos and piercings.)

watching him come bounding down the stairs with a huge grin on his face to greet me and "Professor Awesome", aka Sean.

seeing him wearing his cat hat, the one Erin made him for christmas, the one that except for color is just like the one she made me.


even though he's gone, he's still helping people. his heart valves saved three kids. his corneas and veins were donated, too. in all he'll be improving or saving the lives of over 70 people.

Eric, we miss you so much. everyone is wearing pink for you. even the guys.

tough guys wear pink.

Eric's myspace page


there were probably 2000 people at the Celebration of Life ceremony yesterday.
the line for the meet-and-greet snaked its way around the inside of Mentor United Methodist Church and even outside...
they had to set up overflow seating, and even then, people were standing in the back.
there was laughter with the tears.

i am glad the Mohat family agreed to have it at the church, even though (like me), they are uncomfortable with all the god/jesus stuff.

but some people needed it to help them through their grief.
and there's no way we had any idea so many people would be showing up...

Eric touched so many people in his life, and yesterday was proof of how he continues to, even now.
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