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Feb 07, 2007 13:52

magical hospital adventures / trip to Nashville

let's see... where to start...

a few weeks ago, i celebrated 6 months with my wonderful Sean.

i got him Mike Judge's and Don Hertzfeldt's "The Animation Show" on DVD. he got me a memory card for my new Gamecube.

we went to Coventry and had lunch at BD's Mongolian Barbeque. our server turned out to be someone he knew when he worked at Panera... she gave us our drinks and dessert for free!

we shopped around for a while... spent time in Big Fun (the best collectable toy store EVER) and i bought a bumper sticker with Dubbya that says "War is Peace" (gotta love "1984" references.) i also finally got around to buying my own copy of Skinny Puppy's "The Greater Wrong of the Right".

when we got back to town, i stopped by Sudden Urge (the tattoo shop i used to work at). they've hired a full-time piercer and have taken on his girlfriend as a tattoo apprentice. they're both really really nice and the piercer said he'd be happy to teach me and pierce me. ah, i miss the smell of green soap...

i also went by the Starbucks next door to say hi to Lauren... when she saw Sean she freaked out and said "THIS is your boyfriend?!?" turns out they used to work together at Panera as well!

everyone really adores Sean, especially me. i am always smiling when i'm with him. ^_^


about 4 am the next morning, i started to get horribly sick. i ended up calling in to work and asked Sean to take me to the hospital. i thought perhaps i had food poisoning...

Sean rushed me to the hospital, worried that something was really wrong with me. i just couldn't stop throwing up, and i was so dehydrated i had trouble walking.

after an IV with two bags of fluids and some medication, i was told i had contracted the stomach flu that is going around at the moment.

it took a few days to get back to normal and i lost about 10 lbs...


the Friday before last Sean and i went to grab dinner at Penn Station. when i went to get my order, i slipped on one of the several puddles of water on the floor from melted snow. i slammed hard into the tile floor and had trouble getting up due to a horrible pain in my right arm.

the next day i went to the hospital AGAIN... i got x-rays of my elbow, which turned out to be inconclusive, other than showing i had fluid built up in my elbow joint. the doctor said she thought my arm wasn't broken, but i was suffering a severe contusion. she said the radiologist would have the final word.

Saturday i went back to get follow-up x-rays. i have slightly more movement in my arm and wrist, but i can't bear any weight on them without suffering searing pains. i still haven't heard back from the radiologist...


last night someone bought in a large buy of anime on VHS. i just happened to glance through the box to see what the titles were... and was horrified to see "La Blue Girl" volumes 1-3, "Angel of Darkness", "Rei Rei"... about 15 hardcore hentai titles. i explained to everyone that there was NO WAY we could put them out. *laughs* so i am now the proud owner of all those VHS tapes. HOORAY PORN!


yesterday my brother took my car in for a tune-up because...

Friday i leave for Nashville with Sean!!! we'll be leaving around 10 am Friday morning and get in around 7 pm Central time. i hope to get together with everyone Saturday, and especially on Sunday at Code Blue for Salvation (Sunday is my 26th birthday!)

i'll be leaving for home again on Tuesday, swinging by Dayton to see my sister and brother-in-law.

i can't wait to see all of you!
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